Betty shooting birds

He has a 100% rating from NARAL, genius.

I don’t care if politicians are personally pro-life, so long as they don’t impose that on their constituents. That’s what “pro choice” means, after all.

100% rating from Planned Parenthood ought to silence that argument. He’s a catholic, but so is Biden. He’s personally against abortion (which shouldn’t matter anyway because he’s a man he can’t have one, so....).

He is *not* an anti-abortion candidate. He may be personally pro-life but he stands for choice in office. 100% rating from Planned Parenthood, 100% from NARAL.

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

Same. I only wear tunics/dresses of this shape with leggings. Also, I only wear black. It is so easy to get up in the morning and go through my routine. Plus, I am always comfortable and nobody really in area dresses like this aesthetic so I always look a little chic, odd and restrained at the same time. It’s great!

I’m kind of a fan of a boxy top. I’m short waisted and have birthed 4 (count ‘em...FOUR) full term babies. Trying to tuck something in or pull something down past my waist (what there is of it) is no buenos. So. The shorter boxy top that's not fitted lets me hide the lack of waist and still show my relatively shapely

TBH I never think about whether or not something will “flatter my figure” and I kind of hate that this is assumed all women do. To me those look fine because they look comfortable, which is my #1 requirement for clothing. So, me someone like me who rarely wears dresses because I find them uncomfortable and I don’t

YES. THANK YOU. I dress like this, why? Because I actively do not want people ogling me and staring at my goods.

It seems like a good thing that she doesn’t go for something more form-fitting, given that at least one of her co-workers is apparently observing her outfits and noting what “favors” they do or don’t do her...

“So what, exactly, is flattering about this? .... no one, from any distance, could accurately guess your boob size?”

I also want to say that I also wear a lot of these styles and I believe this entire post to be a violent subtweet

Oooh! Kumail Nanjiani must be a “Stranger Things” fan. Loving that show right now.

The part specifically about Asian men - I wish more people would talk about this. Cho has been beating this drum for a while and others before him, too. With increased focus on representation in media it seems sometimes that Asian men are still treated as an afterthought or not masculine or not deserving of being a

Whatever do you mean? Has that happened recently?

I appreciate that his thought process didn’t devolve into what the pissy man-babies might think since they all feel that they own any and all interpretation of an artist’s copyrighted material because they saw a movie or TV show when they were six.

white str8 dudes: HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT WE DOIN

How bout like sagas on repeat:

i have a better idea - they should build aquariums attached to airports. you can enter and leave whenever you want to, and it ensures that there is always foot traffic there