Betty shooting birds

I find it crazy (but not surprising) that someone could unironically write that about the British Empire (!) Yes Toronto is by some measures the most multicultural city in the world, but racism exists everywhere. I’ve lived there...it may be multicultural but it still has a very entrenched white upper class whose

I’m sorry but if you can’t tell someone hitting another person their values, because you’re too scared that your being white might get you called out, than you’ve lost your moral and intellectual credibility.

And yet, miraculously, countless similar encounters with white people end in both parties walking away alive. How is that I wonder?

I live in downtown Toronto, in one of the most liberal neighborhoods in one of the most open cities in the world, where multiculturalism is the dominant civic value and the inert virtue of tolerance is the most prominent inheritance of the British empire [...]

the inert virtue of tolerance is the most prominent inheritance of the British empire

Fuck off. African American males 15-34 were murdered by police at 9x the national average last year. Statements made by perpetrators and their apologists in these cases are dripping with racism, latent or otherwise.

It is, at least for me. I am as white as they get and I’ve faced harassment by cops (most recently for passing one going 50 in the left lane at exactly 60; he followed me for four miles including lane changes; the first time for getting into an accident with a cop that the judge determined was entirely his fault but

One answer American exceptionalism.

“In cases where innocent individuals are shot by police officers”

Good, now someone go interview Elizabeth Olsen to complete the circle on this incredible news story.

Kanye’s wax figures price only makes me mad because it reminds me that “The Leftovers” is only coming back for one more season.

If that’s a real song, can’t wait!!! Maybe he’ll get Katy Perry for the vocals *fingers crossed*

I know I’m WAY late to the party, but I just started watching Arrested Development. So good. So so good. Lindsay slays me every time. I’m savoring every episode and don’t want it to end.

My friend broke up with a girl because she said she “didn’t like sandwiches.” This rings very similar to that. You can’t hate an entire GENRE of food!

Anyone who thinks that way is an asshole but I wouldn’t put it past Ailes and the other blowhards over there to think that working at a conservative network would protect their lecherous behavior from being exposed because of the type of women they would hope Faux News would attract. I’m just so happy that these women

She definitely didn’t get what she deserved. I will say I’m utterly unsurprised that one of the biggest bastions of conservative thinking also happens to be one of the biggest bastions of unrefined sexism, misogyny and male entitlement to women’s bodies, and that this was about as predictable a story as finding out

This sounds bad, but that’s probably because most of you haven’t seen the just aired Fox News expose Lying Newsroom Sluts: America’s Epidemic.

Call me when they bring back gisaeng hats.

i have to ask if you have heard the team teamwork remix of that track before i read the article, so my question doesn’t get buried under ‘relevant’ or ‘on-topic’ comments

Oh my dog, another octopus nope gif! Squee!