Betty shooting birds

This series, and this article in particular, has really spoken to me.

I appreciate your response a lot. ❤

Agree so much. When I first got sober, I also got right into a relationship (which I know, but it happened) and although it is generally frowned upon in early sobriety, it was one of the most, if not possibly THE most healthy relationship I have ever had. It has since ended, and my therapist said it was one of the

I’ve been sober for years and think this series has been handled so intelligently and tactfully! I must admit I rolled my eyes when I first started seeing these headlines, but upon investigation I’ve been so, so, happy to read your thoughts.

these are really scary questions to answer, let alone acknowledge. the fact that you even have voiced the question is powerful. keep walking in it.

But if we cut alcohol out of the conversation entirely, we miss a lot, too. There is room, and brainpower, to talk about it all.

Blackouts are scary. I had blackout sex for the first time with my last boyfriend. I made him into a boyfriend to legitimize what happened. What happened was a weird, blurry thing between consent and...um, not consent? I was wasted. So was he. What is that? There was no violence. I still struggle with this. We were

This is so wonderful. I am not a drinker, not sure why - I have always feared losing control, I guess. I really never understood why young people drink to such excess, but I have a better sense of it now, thank you. I want my kids to read all this, not sure when they’ll be ready. Sooner than I think, I guess.

I’ve always had a hate/hate relationship with alcohol despite the fact that I went through the typical drinking stages teenagers tend to. Two of my earliest experiences were ones in which I had too much, too fast and couldn’t control myself. I wound up in bed with a guy I liked but it went too far and of course meant

Thank you

I’m a super-bitter, old, single hag, but when I read something like this, I’m glad she took him off the market so I never have to accidentally swipe-right on this guy.

I know what Netflix and chill means and Bieber doesn’t? I am 57...

You would think after Wino Forever he would stop doing this.

This is the second cousin to “I made all these changes and it came out terrible! Horrible recipe!”

I still don’t understand why people have a problem with the leader of a political party only wanting people who have taken the time to officially become members of that party to vote in their primary.

Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama

WORD. It’s not even an interesting or uniquely shitty thing to say. At least make a fucking joke or post a gif. Or just whisper it and pat yourself on the back.

I fucking hate this shit. We all know from the media she’s lived pretty hard and while that can alter skin, teeth, wrinkles, etc, like I hate the “She looks older than (age)“ comments because like, “HOW OLD IS THIRTY SUPPOSED TO LOOK?” If you lined up me and five of my girlfriends, all of who are 30 years old, we all