can you imagine of those ball pits but filled with M&Ms instead? I’d just swim around with my mouth open.
can you imagine of those ball pits but filled with M&Ms instead? I’d just swim around with my mouth open.
Also, just like a bunch of millenials to not recognize the opportunity to have some art that Delia Deetz from Beetlejuice would have killed for.
I was really hoping the fundamentals were going to spell something out with their capital letters, like Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent.
While many other American people may see you as someone to be ridiculed, I truly believe that you possess a certain “je ne sais quoi,” (a french term which is often interpreted to denote one’s inexplicable charisma.) Given a bit of book-reading/media-training/patience, that charisma could become your magic carpet.
A rare photo of Jimmy Fallon laughing.
blonde dragon lady in the horrible wig
In this exchange, you can see just how easy it is for someone like Hardy to get away with domestic abuse. All you have to do is seem NICE, and be personable, and look somewhat even halfway chastened, and the Adam Schefters of the world will believe you, just because you shook their hand.
An excellent excuse to post this:
I saw her last summer. I was with 3 other people and basically had to tell them to not look at me for the whole show because almost every song made me a mess. A happy mess because I was there listening to her but a mess nonetheless.
KATE! I got two tickets to see Bonnie in London in June for my mum’s 65th birthday. When you say you aren’t sure there is anyone you would want to see Bonnie Raitt with I get you, I could and would only go with my mum. I am so excited about it after reading this piece. I hope I’m not the only 29 year old woman there…
I only started doing this recently, and honestly it’s so much more enjoyable. My friends don’t love my favorite band like I do, so bringing them feels like a chore. And no one is paying attention to if you’re there alone or not anyway ;)
It just occurred to me, reading the article and then your comment, that I’ve never, ever done this in my life. I always feel like I have to drag someone along to a show. I’m now putting this on my list of things to try at least once. It is a crappy feeling when you bring someone to hear a favorite band or artist and…
Ever been to a Jason Isbell show? Cried. Like. A. Baby.
“Nick of Time” is so so good. I just started it in my office—thank you.
Why does no one ever mention Nick of Time? God I love that song.
I’m 28 and I LOVE Bonnie Raitt. She’s such a fucking boss.
Petition to have Oscar Isaac and Lupita Nyong’o star in EVERYTHING EVER.
But child deaths from illness are highly correlated with treatment by a doctor. HA HA EXPLAIN THAT SHEEPLE. You can’t argue with statistics!
Yeah, I see what they were going for, but in their defense, it would have taken at LEAST another half an hour to find a person of color in Portland to run that name by.
I feel like we should turn this discussion over to an expert.