No Barry White? No Chaka Khan? No Incognito? No D’Angelo? But three Janet Jacksons, three Mariahs and two Sades? I’ll leave this right here...
No Barry White? No Chaka Khan? No Incognito? No D’Angelo? But three Janet Jacksons, three Mariahs and two Sades? I’ll leave this right here...
Are we still allowed to seriously listen to Ginuwine’s “Pony” after Magic Mike? The song just makes me giggle now. Mood Killer.
I’d rather listen to Wasted Time from the Showgirls soundtrack:
You’d need another bathroom, given how much vomiting you’d end up doing every time you remembered that you’d fucked Ted Cruz.
As a 36yo white guy and boring math teacher by day, I have absolutely no problem singin EX FACTOR for all the world to hear as I drive home in the evening.
How much of that money would go to the therapist?
when u know she want the d
Just for that, have this. May the faces he makes while trying desperately to be cool haunt you forever.
I mean, there were people who also wanted to have sex with this guy, so. Yeah. Power is one hell of a hallucinogenic, apparently.
Spoiler: it’s also strapless.
Well, Drew Barrymore isn’t a washed-up old maid, but I’m fairly certain she deeply regrets her teen drug abuse and child bride stuff, and rightly blames her mother for not providing any actual parenting.
Nothing new to white women, either. Thanks for playing.
Last year I had a psychiatrist tell me that it was literally impossible for me to address any kind of sexism or power imbalance in the workplace without it backfiring on me and resulting in my termination.
A new study finds that people love to hear about workplace diversity—just as long as it’s not coming from minorities or women. In fact, if you’re not a white male, you’re more likely to be punished for speaking up.
Yes. I personally have segued into a “black jean leggings and fashion sneakers every day” era
::timidly and questioningly waves a tiny flag as she takes baby steps toward child care/education::
RLS: I was waiting for someone to make that joke ever since I heard about the accident.
YES. I don’t read a lot of articles about The Fillmore losing almost ALL its black owned businesses or the Western Addition.... UGH. Sf is hemorrhaging its black population. I live in Oakland and much of the same is happening here. I am white and live in a primarily black/latino/asian neighborhood, and I really worry…
“I suppose that this is just the way of things: people come, and then they leave; and thus the cycles of lives and cities are ever in flux.”
I don’t know what to do. This is why I never vote for county coroner. What if I elect a necrophiliac? better just to leave it blank. I can’t live with that on my soul.