Betty shooting birds

Except they brought Grayson back this season for some reason, and she was AWFUL.
So yea, that entire season is ruined now.

We cannot let Nancy Jo win.

Vote for Pretty Wild or you are DEAD TO ME.

Pretty Wild should win reality tv forever thank you goodbye.

I liked that implication that it’s just a little secret between him and ladies. None of the other men know!

In all fairness Hasselhoff is also a big deal in Europe.

“Because he seems like such a good dude otherwise.”

Veep is one of my favorite shows of all time, everyone in that ensemble is flawless

I love Richard so much! He is perfection, simply perfection.

I died when he drove Dan and Amy around in the Cube. “New rule in the Cube: anyone with a name that starts with D can’t speak”

“jolly green jizz face” is the best insult to ever be on tv

Well he has had a pretty good career so it makes sense that his record before Mad Men would affect the roles he’s getting, but I love how both of them love comedic roles too. Do you remember his turn as a tea party candidate in 30 Rock? Goo Goo Ga Ga.

This show is one of the funniest comedies going right now. And they should be able to mine the current election season for nonstop comedy gold.

Richard (T. Splett, even though his middle name is John)! He’s like the moral compass that the others need and will never have. Well, except for that brief period after Dan broke down and came back with the beard, doing stuff like offering coffee to the others. Then he turned into Dan again.

Of course, Hugh is going to wind up president and she goes back to Veep, right? That's what was implied last season finale. I love Hugh so much in this role.

ugh i love this show soooooooo much

Omg omg roger sterling and selina meyer?!! This makes me incredibly happy!

Obviously, I expressed my displeasure toward this decision to alter the agreement we had reached before I signed with the White Sox.

Yeah, wanted to compliment Leitch on that. But his website’s comments don’t work. Le Batard has been toying with the possible racial component to this —in the clubhouse. But I wonder how it might play out if LaRoche was black, or for instance, if the religious element wasn’t there. There are a lot of ways to parent,

I don’t know...whatever the last really stupid sports controversy was.