Yes, I mostly use it for strappy shoes (I’m in San Francisco, we don’t have many hot days). It’s also good under bra straps.
Yes, I mostly use it for strappy shoes (I’m in San Francisco, we don’t have many hot days). It’s also good under bra straps.
Gosh it’s almost like everyone on those Yankees teams used drugs.
All I see are white guys, even in memes.
They could be! But they never are. I mean we didn’t even get a repeat of the hip hop yodeling this year even though that was clearly the best idea mankind has had this century.
Some of that I think is selective memory, we don’t tend to remember all the boring chanteuses they have every year.
TIL there aren’t a lot a good gif options for “i liked that band before they were popular.”
Ukraine is consistently enjoyable in Eurovision (often much boobs).
Just wait until MLB hears about the A’s uniforms.
Oh man just having Bingbing and Lupita on the red carpet together will keep me happy for months.
My brother and his wife moved to London and she bought a pair of Birkenstocks after gettin there. They were good because they dried out quickly. So I wouldn’t listen to this viscountess.
Meanwhile Shcherbakova’s practicing a quad lutz triple triple combo and will devour us all...
But imagine how awesome it would be if they had replaced Tambor with Christopher Plummer, and no one acknowledged it.
It’s really good! Tonya is really good! if you DVR it you can watch the whole thing in about a half hour.
My neighbor offered me a blackberry vine and I’m like “bitch I’m from Oregon, I don’t need to see another blackberry as long as I live.” They take over everything.
Where’s the Fireworks chocolate bar? Pop rocks flashbacks.
I loved it too. Also I’m pretty sure I saw it on a plane, which is cuh-razy.
Man, if I got paid $1.6 million every time I had an abortion...
Oh please. What sport doesn’t demand concentration? They all have yelling crowds. Teenagers shoot free throws in Cameron Indoor Stadium and a hitters face Aroldis Chapman in October but one guy yelling would ruin Rory’s backswing?
Vintage Flip is still on, I really like that one. They’re a nicer version of Tarek and Christina and not every house ends up looking the same.
Tell me about your Puerto Rico relief planes, Ramona.