Betty shooting birds

These are the folks we’re counting on to save us from the rising tide of fascism.

Now playing

I never knew I could be angrier about Hall of Fame voting than I was about the baseball Hall of Fame, and then along comes the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to add sexism and rile me up. Joni Mitchell and Patti Smith had to wait years to be inducted.

Or you could blame the Trump voters.

I like this part:

Where are the articles saying everything Bernie did wrong in not being the nominee? I don’t recall seeing those. Seems like Hillary gets blamed when she wins and when she loses.

MY HEAVENS that is a big ass tree. it’s so beautiful and wide!

Hmmm, Westworld would make sense as the opiate of the masses, because it shows a world where there really aren’t consequences. No damage is permanent. People are killed, but then they get rebuilt and come back. Women are raped, but it’s OK because they’re not really women. So it’s comforting, unlike the real world

Boycott the advertisers on the shows and let them know why you’re doing it.

Boycott the advertisers, we know that works.

 I fear this is right in Whoopi Goldberg’s wheelhouse.

hipster beard only works on the young.

Seriously, if anyone is starting an I hate Westworld community I would be delighted to join it and then I wouldn’t have to vent on all of you. I could silently judge you instead.

Oh I’m mad for many, many reasons, that is just one of them.

I don’t know what conext is, but if you mean context, no I don’t. No one has offices like that, with one chair per giant room. If they’re trying to do clean rooms, they wouldn’t make them all glass. The story should drive the set design, not what makes tracking shots easier.

IT WAS SO STUPID! Why don’t they have any furniture? Why is every wall glass? Oh yeah, because it’s easy to film.

Between this and the Madonna post it’s like someone announced rockist commenter day. Do you want to complain about people who don’t write their own songs too?

This is a nonsense argument, love doesn’t stop husbands from killing their wives or parents from abusing their kids. People who love you are a greater danger to you than strangers.

I cut bangs just to have an excuse to do Liz impressions more often!