It also demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of King’s actions. Saying you love a cop while he’s putting you in jail for a desegregating a lunch counter is still desegregating a lunch counter (motherfucker). It’s not a hashtag, it’s action.
It also demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of King’s actions. Saying you love a cop while he’s putting you in jail for a desegregating a lunch counter is still desegregating a lunch counter (motherfucker). It’s not a hashtag, it’s action.
I was really angry about that plotline at the time, but over time I’ve come around somewhat and here’s why:
Like on Game of Thrones how they had all those wildling women raped from behind with their blouses torn so the HBO CEO of Tits could meet his quota...
Oh yeah, people claim damages for sex problems all the time. We had a case in San Francisco where a husband claimed his wife’s hugely swollen ankles from her traffic accident ruined their sex life. Turned out she was injecting herself with something to make them swell up.
how do you get Chinese from this?
Gentrification is part of it, but I remember 30 years ago going to parties in scary lofts in Portland when it was dirt cheap and everyone could afford to rent a house. I’ve been to sketchy warehouse parties in New York and Portland and Minneapolis and Seattle and San Francisco over three decades. Artists are always…
Still wish Justin Theroux’s character had stayed dead. The women are the best part of that show.
OMG I’m going to go picket every production of West Side Story because it is NOT what Shakespeare would have wanted.
You’re not the only one! I’m sitting here judging all the people who like it all snooty-like.
#Beautiful could be higher but otherwise no complaints. I love how sexy she sounds singing lower notes.
Some nice twinja friend retweeted it in my Twitter feed, so yes I do:
She’s self-aware, but I like how they show that she’s often wrong about how people are going to react to something she does or says. You don’t see that level of complexity on tv much.
I’m white and old and I love this show, that woman is an idiot and I’m sorry you have to work with someone that close-minded.
SPOILERS FOR SEARCH PARTY AHEAD BUT I THINK YOU SHOULD WATCH IT AND NOT READ ON: Search Party (on demand on TBS) is a show about a millennial and her friends investigating an acquaintance’s disappearance, and how that investigation gives their lives meaning and drama. The actual mystery turns out to be not very much…
And the three or four massacres per episode.
I watched Search Party this weekend and thought it was a very good critique of this aspect of internet culture.
Set the standard for an “America First” foreign policy
Ugh, this idiotic narrative we have after every election where the only person to blame for losing an election is the loser herself. Even Trump voters are not to blame for Trump winning! Hillary’s evil magic forced unwilling folks to vote for Trump and Johnson and Stein, the voters were powerless against her pantsuit.
Only took me a half hour to get this.