Betty shooting birds

I remember the older ladies who did synchronized swimming at the Y where I took classes wore these and I was jealous. But you’re right swim caps were so uncomfortable back then.

this is making me so happy.

I do some online education planning web meetings, and I’m always laughing at the folks in New York all wearing dress shirts ties. No one in those same roles in San Francisco is ever that dressed up.

Well I am drafting an internalized bias presentation!

Maybe Christian makes it far enough to be the next bachelor? Not that we can really judge him from one night but he’s a cutie.

Well you spelled all the words correctly so no, you got it wrong. Am I the only person who sees red squiggly lines under words I spell wrong? Or am I the only person who thinks “oh, maybe those red lines mean I spelled a word wrong, I should check it?”

I wonder if he really wants to win though.

at least they don’t have toes! I saw a person I work with wearing those toe shoes one day after work and now I can’t take him seriously.

and why are we so into Game of Thrones?

All servants must die in service of the very special Stark nobility.

OK so I can have Hiddles then?

and reaction:


Yeah man, why isn’t the fire realistic like the dragons and the ice zombies are?

Yeah but wait until you’re 45 and they’re still carding you and expecting you to be flattered, it’s so dumb. Because whoopee if I look ten years younger than I am that still doesn’t make me anywhere close to 20 and unable to purchase alcohol.

Where are the answers to “have you ever had sex with a lady”? Too many nos?

This is what lyrics videos should be.

Nah, on X Factor they always say her full name and I'm sure she could ask them to just call her Cheryl and she doesn't. She just needs to stop changing her name for lurvv.

The problem of cord cutters bitching on Kinja about how they can’t watch everything for free?