Betty shooting birds

That thing Tyrion said this week about history being conversations in elegant rooms shows he’s a elitist numbskull. It sounded like a line Sir Robert would say in Downton Abbey to show how out of touch he is.

Stats Inc used to publish a book that had selections from their internal messages in it, and they have a long section about this game. I think Bill James said “he won’t win 100 games.”

Really? I see them all the time in corner stores in San Francisco.

Music journalism fight!

can you get rid of 4/20 too?


She wins for this outfit no doubt. Lucite heels!

Adding to the chorus thanking you for this article, it’s fantastic.

To me this seems like a quintessential museum exhibition, surveying one thing (technology) over the course of decades or centuries.

and everyone got in trouble for being too literal with the theme....

I do fall over all the time...

Here’s what it says on the Met’s website:

Julie Macklowe, no idea.

MULES ARE THE BEST if you’re a person like me who likes to kick off her shoes and always gets heel blisters and they’re cute.

This is my favorite picture so I’m posting it everywhaarr:

Since the theme is “workmanship” I kinda think they are though.

Great picture or greatest picture?