and Instagram IS the only platform on the internet.
So glad we have a bunch of teenagers in Congress - hey hey hey remember that time when the Terminator said “I’ll be back?” That was awesome!
We had electricity back then, I swear.
Yeah, Sandra was just being snarky about Madonna last night on Watch What Happens.
All I get from my team is passive aggressive resentment. Apparently they’re quite complimentary of me when I’m not around, but they must all think that telling me that to my face would give me a big head or something.
Hey Hollywood costumers, look at how many of these are wearing glasses. Why don’t you ever have more than one character wearing glasses in your period films/shows?
thank you, but I realize I’ve been mad about that article for over 15 years now so I’ve had a lot of time to get to its essence.
Ugh, ESPN Magazine already published that years ago, it was a horrible piece about the vicious, breast-wielding strippers of North Carolina and the poor athletes they force into murdering them.
Access really does lead to the worst in sports reporting; Leitch was right to put that first on his list of “Sports without” entries in the Deadspin tag line.
I was thinking yesterday that we hadn’t heard about Amanda Bynes in awhile and that was a good thing. But now we have a new person with problems to worry about.
I’m definitely a plate person, but I have a friend who eats most meals out of big, shallow pasta dishes and it seems really sensible. Not sensible enough for me to actually buy similar dishes I guess.
Thanks for that info. Also if you pick up a random urban novel from the 50's-70's you will wonder how the characters manage to accomplish anything with all that alcohol they’re putting away.
And the answer to that is, has the Bill of Rights and Constitution been murdered?
I don’t know why she can’t be a 24-year old real estate developer like JoJo.
So last night I was remembering how Ben was supposedly so in love with Kaitlyn on her season. He still even seemed in love with her on that Bachelor talk show at the beginning of this year. But NONE of the women in his final group are anything like Kaitlyn. So either a. he doesn’t know what he wants or b. it’s all a…
Jack Antonoff was drinking from a red solo cup, Taylor was drinking from a black plastic cup, and I saw two others drinking wine from plastic glasses, so maybe it’s all bootleg? Anyway this feed of the audience is the best thing I’ve ever seen until HAMILTON!
on this camera you can see celebs drinking:
OMG this camera trained on Taylor and Selena:
Meghan Trainor used the Wen for dogs and her hair ended up that color.