
Despite being married for 12 years, I somehow just learned yesterday that my wife is a big fan of Highlander. I immediately showed her that ATHF clip, which was one of the funniest things on tv in the last 20 years.

“Soothing” is pretty much a perfect word to describe it.  About 90% of that is Jonathan Katz’s voice, but the show’s ability to stay interesting and funny despite an almost complete absence of any real conflict helps too.

I loved The End of the Fucking World, and am happy to see it on this list. But I really wish reviewers would stop playing up the “boy wants to kill girl” aspect of it. Because that is really, really, really not what this series is about, and I think describing it as such could turn off a lot of people who would like

It could work, but given the rules of this show’s universe, better person would also mean even more annoying asshole who sinks down the ranks of the gang’s totem pole, and takes a lot more shit from the rest of them.


If ever there was a show built to hit the “reset” button on bringing a character back, it’s this one.  I can think of dozens of (horrendous) reasons Dennis would come crawling back to the bar.  And the best thing about Dennis is it might be even funnier if he never explains what brought him back.  Dennis is best as a

I just started watching the show about a month ago. Already blasted through all 12 seasons. It blows my mind that some people have been along for the ride for over a dozen years already, and that they’ve managed to keep all of the major characters (including recurring guest stars) around for almost the entire run.

Haven’t bands like Pink Floyd been doing elaborate stage shows like Reznor is describing since before NIN existed? Their Delicate Sound of Thunder tour from 1987 featured a giant video screen with synched videos to many songs, and a massive choreographed light show (complete with synched laser lights). And it was not

For fuck’s sake MTV, just buy perpetual music rights this time!

Now playing

Don’t forget the fucking lamborghini. The opening scene to Cannonball Run is still one of the coolest fucking scenes ever committed to cinema.

Top Gun is one of two movies which are nearly entirely responsible for whatever fashion sense I have. I own and wear a G-1 leather flight jacket, almost entirely because Cruise’s looked so fucking cool in Top Gun.

We have a man-date.

Interesting. Season 2 was always the “low point” for me. Lots of really rough episodes for Brendon. Still great, but much harder to watch Brendon’s humliations and struggles.

Holy shit Eddie was hilariously gross. That pathetic kick of the soccer ball. So small, so defenseless. Like a chipmunk with a disease.

Right there with you. In fact, it might be my number one. The combination of earnestness and hilarity is just about perfect in my book.

Me too. It is my ultimate comfort show. I keep all four DVD seasons in my desk here at work, and will put it on as background noise whenever things get extremely busy or stressful.

Perry, I’ve got the bloodlust!

I’m pretty sure this is my favorite episode of any show, ever. Along with McGuirk’s singing while stuck in the car, his honking his horn and then nearly wiping out the audience when he can’t get his car off stage are among the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

With a show like this, I think the likelihood of getting spoiled is too high to delay watching. Last year, Aubrey’s dance and the Bolero scene (among other things) were everywhere the day after they aired. I suspect there will be at least a couple of similar set-pieces this year.

It’s easy to figure out the “hot coffee” misunderstanding once you realize that the Chamber of Commerce, the insurance industry, and their cohorts-in-evil have been gleefully misrepresenting what happened since the second that verdict (which was of course massively reduced) was handed down. That case has saved