
We have about 27 of the damn things in my house because my wife and kids think they’re fun. Honestly, the only real issue I have with them is that when you say “thank you” to them, they don’t respond.

I once saw his Ikea sad lamp ad played at a convention with probably over a thousand people in attendance. It brought the house down.

My go-to example was the original King’s Quest game. The one where the answer to the riddle was Rumpelstiltskin with the alphabet spelled backwards (A=Z).

He (along with pretty much everyone else) was so, so good in Bloodline. The final season went completely off the rails, but the first two were great. Especially in season 2, Chandler turned in some absolute tour de force performances.

I’ve recently been listening to David Gilmour’s live stuff. The back half of Live in Gdansk essentially acts a last act for Pink Floyd, as Richard Wright joined Gilmour for the tour (along with long time Pink Floyd session players like Guy Pratt). There’s an amazing version of Echoes which serves as a very

Ugh . . . Kinja’d.

For those interested in the professional Street Fighter scene, next weekend is the very first Evo - Japan. So far looks like there is a massive amount of sign-ups (was in the thousands last I checked), and a massive amount of top pro’s there (just like the American version of Evo). And they will be playing with the

Really, that’s a thing? How interesting. Was such a great game, back in the day, but so many of the mechanics seem completely at odds with how games are designed today, and yeah, it really doesn’t seem like it would be of any interest to speed runners. Will have to check that out.

Nice to see Owen Teague playing Trick, thought he did a nice job humanizing what could have been a mere prop of a character. He did such an amazing job playing mini-Ben Mendelsohn on Bloodline . . . happy to see him getting more roles on prestige shows.

The White Walkers were just a red herring

To quote him from Back to School:

I think you can make a good movie/show of Vonnegut’s work (the previous Slaughterhouse-5 movie, Mother Night), but it’s never going to be “Vonnegut.” Something about his tone seems almost impossible to get off the page and onto the screen.

Max, Furiosa, and Nux rightfully get their share of accolades, but Splendid was the one who had me jumping out of my seat cheering. There were about a trillion different ways they could have screwed up her character. Too smart. Too dumb. Too motherly. Too bitter. Too Mary Sue. Too incompetent. That is a character that

I’m 43, and I highly doubt I’ve seen 10 movies more than once in the theater. It’s entirely possible that number is less than 5. Prior to Fury Road, the record-holder was Pulp Fiction, which I saw four times in the theater.

I don’t usually get *too* worked up over spoilers in trailers, but the various Thor spots are somewhat of an exception. Because by the time I saw the movie, I pretty much knew beat by beat what was coming. They left the ultimate resolution of the Hela conflict out, but pretty much every other story beat appeared in

I have Home Movies up on my second monitor as comfort tv *right now*. Even though my office is closed, I’m here at work on the Friday after Thanksgiving, and I’ll be working all through the weekend on a stupid dumb brief that is going to take me stupid dumb all week to finish. It is precisely for times like these that

American Psycho the movie is excellent.

Perhaps my one and only video game claim to fame is beating the entirety of Diablo 3 vanilla (including the ubers on Monster Power 10), without using the auction house.

When I was at Notre Dame law, a couple were busted having sex on one of the law school lounge’s couches. Given that pre-marital sex is actually an expel-able offense there, this was quite the scandal.

This right here. A show which brings in 100 new subscribers is worth more to Netflix than a show watched by 1 million people who would keep Netflix even if the show was cancelled.