
Even if you somehow slap some regulation on model training

Understating, if anything. The Angry Birds Movie made 350 million dollars. It’s almost undoubtedly the single most culturally impactful purely mobile game ever.

Devil’s advocate here - couldn’t we all name 5% of the people at our jobs that are doing a shitty job? If not more?

Well, having converted from Electric to Gas a few years back, I can tell you it’s easier and faster for me to cook with Gas than it ever is with Electric with the one exception of boiling water. Gas takes forever to boil a pot of water, but electric sucks for pretty much all other cooking.

I mean, it’s adequate, but

It’s not marketing at all. Gas vs induction is a worthy debate. Gas vs resistance electric (what you have) is not. It’s significantly harder to perform precision cooking tasks with electric resistance cooktops. It’s not impossible, but it’s a lot harder. When I bought my home nearly 20 years ago, I refused to buy a

Are we really having a “They took our jobs” with Ai and artist? I don’t see the problem. If a piece of art moves me in someway, I don’t really care who or what the artist is.

Our economy is not designed to help single people”

Reading the comments here tells me I’m in a real echo chamber. Only a very few realists.

So, people are getting fired for publicly criticizing their boss? Weird.

Oh look just somebody on the Internet stripping all the context and nuance out of an event so they can blame the victim for reacting. 

So what are the odds that whatever is needed to solve this is in the DLC and it's just not in the game yet?

Get the fuck out of here.

Mall I ran a GameStop store at aaaaaages ago had a ‘lost child policy.’ If a kid was found wandering a store, alone, without supervision, for more than 15 minutes, mall security was to be called and the child effectively is picked up and diverted to lost and found. This mall had a few issues before I got there with

Okay, but the difference is nobody at those stores was expected to be keeping an eye on you and the place your parents actually left you at was an arcade, a place that’s explicitly designed for people to hang out at for more than the duration of a shopping trip.

Macroeconomics is the one science that you should ALWAYS be very cautious applying past scenarios to present conditions. The variables are almost never the same, even though the anecdotal symptoms may look the same.

Generally low unemployment, like you just referenced, leads to high inflation. We’re at 40-year highs for inflation, if we’re going to bring that down unemployment will go up (more people unemployed).

Ha yeah Wildlands was great. But honestly you just have to look at whose writing the article and know that it is gonna be a "hot take" no matter what the article is about. I am at the point where I first check who is writing the article on this site now so I know what I am getting into lol.

Wildlands is the fun open world ghost recon, with hilarious mercenary banter, incredible variable, detailed and pretty world, and cool combat. Maybe you are thinking Breakpoint, that seems made by a committee to be has standard and boring has possible and seems created by a algorithm and not humans.

It is always amusing when someone is completely unable to look outside their own experiences in an attempt to be critical.

Even if COVID-19 never existed, if I “woke up vomiting blood” I wouldn’t be doing anything that day other than going to the ER.