
Not only that, but your full-time job when you’re unemployed is getting another job. It's not a vacation. 

Be careful what you wish for. I’ve been in that position and it felt like anything but a sabbatical.

My condolences to her friends and family. But something about the news itself smells fishy. Young people without any pre-existing conditions, especially who have been vaccinated, simply are not dying of Covid right now.

Yeah the timeline is a bit funky. It’s just as likely she contracted COVID before or while traveling to PAX.

Oh cool so I can pay a hefty subscription fee for temporary access to games I’ve already owned for years.

So they are going to compete wih gamepass by being worse and more expensive?

I’ll admit that my (relatively mild) annoyance might be coloring my perspective - it’s not like I’ve taken a stopwatch to it - but in Destiny 2’s case, I think getting back into the game from an error message actually takes a little longer than getting back from a ‘cold start’, given how fast the splash screens load

This is a lovely little addition. What I’m most looking for, though, is a way to let you ‘opt-out’ certain games from the feature; I’ve never understood why titles like Destiny or Warframe - titles with ‘always on’ online requirements that boot you to the title screen if you’re not constantly pinging their servers -

“I don’t want NATO at our borders!”

That feels incredibly disingenuous and blithely ignorant or dismissive of the places that still routinely experience warfare/armed conflict.

Not everyone understands what a “principle” is anymore, unfortunately.

Nothing like “emergency powers” being used to take people’s private property without recourse.

I understand people’s reticence to this, especially if you belong to the cultures this particular fantasy-inspired campaign exists in, but if your example boils down to them wearing some costumes in a silly promo piece that explorers used to wear, then that’s... not a lot.

You see by putting in that proviso they get to sweep that interpretation of their article to the side as illegitimate. I don’t make the rules, but that’s how they work.  This allows them to then proceed to engage in the overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation, because at the end of the day that’s much easier than

In the end...it really is just Dungeons and Dragons.  It has inspirations from other cultures...sure.  It also has dragons and talking robots and people who can shoot fire from their hands.  Why doesn’t the author make the same complaint of Wizards of the Coast themselves?

I really like the idea of repurposing an old ship into a billionaires plaything. Its far better than scrapping it. More billionaires need to do this with old 747's and what not. 

So they’re repurposing a ship that would otherwise be dismantled in an environmentally friendly manner, and your take is it’s bad, just because it’s for a billionaire?

I mean while its certainly about Microsoft in general, being their only direct competition and all, its absolutely not related to the Activision purchase. These deals don’t spring up or come together in a matter of weeks. This was months of work and negotiations.

People genuinely thought that they would make a move for Take-Two. Sony is successful but they are by no means the entity that is Microsoft, certainly not the Playstation branch alone.

I found this quote from the Bungie CEO that really assured me