You should suck it up and play it with a KB+M. This is easily one of my top 10 games of the decade.
You should suck it up and play it with a KB+M. This is easily one of my top 10 games of the decade.
Sad thing is, you can directly trace that bit of racist legislation to the dire state of affairs that Californian gun owners enjoy today. Rights are for everyone, not just the people you like.
I would expect to see no difference, honestly. People have a constitutional right to protest, and as long as they’re not actually brandishing their guns, who gives a shit if they’re carrying legally? You had like hundreds of people open carrying in VA of all colors and types during the protests earlier this year, and…
I’ve been using (new) MBPs professionally for the last 2.5 years, and these issues are ABSOLUTELY real. We had to send one back to Apple because it got so bad. The double tap thing persists no matter what I do. Thankfully, I’m due for a refresh in October, so maybe I’ll be past the keyboard problems with the next one.
I’m not arguing with you, you’re right, but the Chinese numbers don’t show that. They basically show it almost completely gone, with no noticeable bounce even after reopening parts of their country, no secondary infection spikes. This is completely unrealistic, but the expectation was set. (I’d also argue that maybe…
This is pretty much it. I don’t think people want C19 anymore than they did a month ago, but the current situation can’t really continue indefinitely. I do sort of blame China’s fictional numbers for creating the initial expectation that we could beat this thing in a month or two and be done with it.
Yeah, that was kind of a dumb comment. “Why don’t people behave like this pandemic with a .5-1% death rate is like a pandemic with a 50% death rate?”
This idea that masks only protect other people and not you is utterly idiotic, and only applies to non-N95 masks that don’t actually work. N95 masks will absolutely give you some real degree of protection from breathing in aerosolized virus, if worn correctly.
This article is also dumb because home-made masks don’t do anything for aerosolized particles anyways. Your N95 filtered is still going to stop the same water droplet stuff that home made masks will.
I like it a lot, but concur that it would be good if I could choose the cover my characters move to. I’m a lot more annoyed about the constant crashes and way too slow research, TBH.
Penny Arcade’s problem is that they got so big and enmeshed in the industry that they cannot be nearly as critical of it as they were in the past, for fear of burning bridges with event sponsors, advertisers, and so on. I still think they make some good comics - but they are never going to have the edge they used to.…
The effects of social distancing actions - tightening or loosening - will always trail by a couple weeks. People don’t get infected immediately, they generally aren’t getting tested unless symptomatic, and then test results have to come back. Unfortunately, it appears most people don’t understand this.
I just got all the feels. That was a pretty neat game, maybe a bit ahead of its time.
You just set me off on a nostalgia trip trying to hunt down some of those great old World Builder games. Alas, most of them are shareware-locked.
You’re not wrong. People would have called that a boondoggle for a really unlikely event.
I see where you’re coming from, but I think anyone with a brain knows that just wearing a mask doesn’t eliminate all your risk. The problem is that the CDC hasn’t been leveling with people on the real science involved here, and the science (meta-studies) seems pretty clear that wearing N95 or even surgical masks is a…
I dunno, I never noticed that distinction being made when people were talking about masks when this all started escalating.
Ignore them and wear it anyways.
It doesn’t make sense because the “it’s only to protect others from you” is a complete fucking lie that’s been disproven in actual studies of what happened during the SARS epidemic. N95 masks absolutely reduce your chance of infection (70% was the number I saw), probably far more so than all this bullshit dancing…
No way on earth I’d spend the money on a new car with this amount of uncertainty going on. If one of our current vehicles goes, it’d be used.