
I’m not going to deny that’s a lot of employers, especially small businesses, but there’s a few that do it right. I am thankful to work for one of them. Great pay, unlimited PTO (that you can use appropriately!), WFH as required/desired, great benefits, tons of trust to get things done, and amazing work environment.

How does this square with WARN act requirements? The employees are supposed to get 60 days notice, and as far as I can tell, this employer should be covered by it.

Preach, brother/sister. The thing that infuriates me about the expansion is the return of Division 1-esque bullet sponge dudes. I don’t mind a challenging enemy or two, but the bullet sponge dudes are getting way overused.

If you’re under 60, you are pretty likely to survive it. As a 37yro, I am not particularly worried given the current numbers. My folks probably need to be a lot more careful.

You are shockingly intelligent to be hanging out in the comments section here. Also, while I do not work for a consulting firm, I do happen to have an MBA, and you are _not wrong_.

I could be in an Alaska King and still have no stretching room because my wife seems to always be about six inches away no matter how damn big the bed is.

For real? That BLOWS. I would have expected them to port over the Japanese version.

You will have no trouble whatsoever. You’re actually at more of a disadvantage if you don’t know about Japanese idol culture at all.

I really enjoyed it, too, to the point that I hacked my Wii, ripped the disc, and then patched it with the extra Japanese content from the interwebs. Definitely on my to-buy list for the Switch.

Concur that Ar Tonelico, Tales of Symphonia, and Breath of Fire II should be on the top 20 list. Not so sure I think Rogue Galaxy should be.

Nintendo had a console with a name that connoted penis and peeing in the US, and still sold a hundred jillion of them. We can chortle over this, but I doubt it’s a real marketing issue for them.

Kucan has been good about coming back as requested. That’s not a big problem.

I also found the author claiming “just don’t” to be tremendously disingenuous. For some people, such as myself, impacted ear wax can genuinely cause hearing issues. I have to use debrox every few months, and I have sizable chunks of ear wax come out after doing so. It’s gross, it’s uncomfortable, but it’s a ton better

I’m in the US and get the same message.

Some of the stuff they wrote was good, but if you ever wanted to see an example of an over-entitled workforce, holy shit, read some of the attacks on their owners and bosses they wrote over the past couple months. You’ve got to be living in a fantasy world if you think that you can long-form badmouth your boss and

Man, TD2 was an excellent game, I hope they don’t screw around with that too much.

My 8yro LOVED the Variety kit. Highly recommended for this price.

My 8yro LOVED the Variety kit. Highly recommended for this price.

You could make like half a dozen shows out of the Foundation books. Fantastic stuff.

IMHO, even the ending was hated on rather more than it deserved. The fandom had this conception of what was going on and ignored all the hints that the show gave about what was really going on. Even if it wasn’t the best ending ever, I enjoyed watching everyone go insane about their subverted expectations.

YES. It’s annoying enough that I only bother as a final prelude to recruiting the student (third play-through and finally nabbed them all!).