
but what does the housecat think?

perfect observation. very succinct

i really dont like any chain take out pizza anymore. my husband makes great homemade pizza, so i’m spoiled, but when we aren’t up for that the frozen pizzas from Aldi are way better than papa john’s or dominos. and a ton cheaper

be sure to brine them first

poor papa john’s just wanted the mild racists of the anti-NFL, gets nazis instead. turns out you can’t pick and choose your racists

I liked this show well enough, it’s certainly tons better than 9jkl. Any chance Bobby Moniham will go back to snl? probably not, but I do feel bad for him. And it’s always a pleasure to have John Larraquette on tv

i saw it last night on a big screen and with recliner seats (thank god, at almost 3 hours) enjoyed it muchly

Green Acres always makes me think of Dave from NewsRadio. If you’ve got one of those retro channels, like MeTV, they play GreenAcres all the time. It is a very funny show. I keep trying to use it as background tv, but it’s so funny I get drawn in. Such great side characters too, like Mr Haney, Ralph, Arnold and the

no way, Quantum Leap opening and song were great. Especially the key change with Sam on a horse in the background

I know! how can you hate The Wire theme? who the hell are these whippersnappers they’ve got writing?

yep, that is an amazing opening song. i kind of remembered space 1999 as a kid, so i tried rewatching it a year or 2 ago. i got only 2 episodes in, it was just so slow. but pretty good effects for the time iirc

that song is sooooo sappy, but i actually love it. I also remember watching that show as a kid because it was on friday nights, and nothing much else was. it was forgettable exceot for the song

it will also be my last edible story

not loving kinja, but i gave it a shot. then today merged my legacy account with my kinja account, so now ALL of my posts ever are gone.

the world is a lesser place without him

i have a valium rx instead of xanax. it works really well for the anxiety, better than pot, but pot works much faster (basically instantly)

yeah, you’d think. i’m not even smoking to get high, and have only gotten just a little giggly once. i’m using it for pain and sleep, and it works so much faster than my prescription pills on cramps and spasms. The neighbors advice was to try and relax and enjoy it, but my brain is too full of worms and monsters to

NOW you tell me

oh my god, im so sorry that happened to you. ive only been smoking pot since february. and only a little. i bought an eighth and only just finished it. but my neighbors ive gotten it from said have you ever tried an edible? a friend of ours made it but it didnt do anything for us. so not knowing any better, i ate the

yeah, that’s where my mind went immediately too. no loyalty-i guess it’s not at all surprising, but it is disappointing