
I did a fitness challenge when I was 22 for 3 months and I ate under 1200 calories a day—900 was my goal—and I also exercised for an hour. To no one’s surprise I lost a lot of weight! I also (1) almost crashed my car multiple times and (2) broke down into tears in front of my students and cried for thirty minutes

What could be more Republican than vicious, discriminatory action which ties up legislative time, wastes public resources, appeals nakedly to their base, has no chance of surviving constitutional challenges, but will divert a great deal of public money into the pockets of their asshole lawyer friends to defend?

It is their special brand of Christianity.  

I will never understand why so many old white guys are obsessed with children's genitals.

My favorite laws are the ones that impact classes of human beings who have the fewest resources to challenge them.

The lawsuit in question is about high-school athletes, rather than collegiate ones. It’s been filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom, who have been on the losing side in many a social issue: Religious displays on public property, gay marriage, women’s right to choose, same-sex adoption, and legal recognition of trans

Here’s the thing: She’s not gonna beat the world-class athletes. They’re posting times like 2:20, and she’s going to have to “work incredibly hard and take huge risks” to run it 25 minutes slower than that, which is the minimum required to even qualify. The idea that she’s gonna dominate the sport by virtue of being

I’m so glad she said this, and she’s dead right about it. Every single lawmaker should be called on the carpet like this, every day. They shouldn’t be able to show their faces in public anywhere without being demanded to do their jobs. I’m not sure shame has any power anymore, but it’s worth trying.

Always remember: The goal of Republicans is to make government as ineffective as possible, the better to justify cutting its budget (in ways that funnel that money into their pockets instead). They are looking for the most inept, incompetent, useless motherfuckers on the face of the planet. If those incompetent

Ah yes, Schrodinger's Queer: Gay men aren't real men, but trans women are the manliest men.

Harry Potter movie weekends on cable enable me to summon a demon which forces me to sit there and watch movies I’ve seen a jillion times.

I played the White album backwards once. My mom screamed at me for ruining her needle. So, in one way, I did summon an angry demon.

Well, okay.

How can something that smells like cotton candy be carcinogenic? 

If I may, this is a commonly held misconception.

Would be so very Ron Swanson to take one for the team by giving up his pancreas . . . and somehow still survive.

If RBG’s pancreas can no longer do the job, I will gladly lend her mine.

Yeah....not to be overdramatic about this, but I feel like I can draw a pretty straight line between this assumption that boys are loud, messy, like playing in mud and catching bugs and being physical, to the same kinds of stereotypes that leads people to assume that women can’t succeed in certain fields or be good at

I followed a bunch of ivf-tags on Instagram (and quickly unfollowed because that wasn’t healthy and helpful) and SO MANY americans thank god and jesus for their ivf babies. (I speak three european languages, and I never saw that in ivf posts from those countries. Only americans) And they can go on long, unhinged rants

It’s really fucking galling to hear President Asshole call the Democrats “do nothing” when all he can muster is tweeting, playing golf, and holding fascist level campaign rallies. He doesn’t understand policy, he won’t read his daily brief, he can’t comprehend nuance, he can’t be bothered to expend one iota of his