
As a quilter and sewer I literally assumed this was going to be drama of someone using someone else’s fabric scissors on non fabric and I want you to know that in my head I thought war was FULLY justified just based on that.

I will say the ones on the right look better made, especially in the tip area. That one has a nice super sharp tip and the one on the left looks dulled blunted in comparison.

Jesus no, I will not be reading that thread. I’d pull the shades and not get out of bed for a week.

No no, you’ve got it wrong. You see it’s all tied together. The mother and the doctor got together and decided to execute the baby at the local synagogue using an AR-15.

Wouldn’t it be quicker and easier to just list the priests who aren’t child-rapers?

“‘I write to ask forgiveness again,’” Cardinal Dolan said...

There is an epidemic of alcoholism among mothers. It’s a really serious issue that is leading to early death among women and seems to be brushed off by such hashtags, or slogans.

What is your cat wearing this spring, now that the weather is warming up? Did your cat just discover a new signature cocktail that your cat is obsessed with, with details about how to get the main liquor ingredient? Does your cat have any particular eyeliner recs, and could your cat give us seven different reasons

This comment is so completely spot on. Halfway through my first year of the program, over the course of about a month, I had my then-fiance break off our engagement, and the deaths of a parent, grandparent, and an old friend. Through a combination of stress, lack of sleep, and heavy drinking, I started having

The “You should really think about whether this is right for you” is a go-to response for 80% of the professors I’ve ever dealt with or known people who dealt with. A lot of them treat any set back or show of difficulty as an opportunity to A) show they’re better than you and B) get you to quit so that they can get

Technically, it’s not even a fetus yet, not until 8 weeks. At 6 weeks it’s an embryo the size of a pea.

Baby Roe was approximately six weeks old on February 10, 2017.” Then it isn’t a baby, it’s a fetus or clump of cells in a woman who isn’t a mother and chose not to become one at that point of time. This is enraging, the complete obliteration of the woman as anything but an incubator is horrible. I’m surprised they

If you don’t think the NRA doesn’t have informal connections to and tendrils in every whacky, militant Christianist group in this country, you’re wrong.

I genuinely forget these nuts can read or write and spent a good two minutes looking for photoshop in the picture before I realized this was a headline issue. 

Schroedinger’s wall, perhaps. It is both built and not built.

I can personally resolve this whole thing right now. In exchange for a keg of Guinness, I will build the entire wall in Minecraft. Cobblestone, granite, diorite, iron, concrete, gravel, I’ll use whatever material anybody wants. Hell, I’ll shear sheep and build it out of fucking pink wool if that’ll make everone happy.

Yeah, I guess I won’t say that there’s no downside to being in the Kardashian clan. From what little I know, Kendall doesn’t have much in the way of formal education, her skillset seems mostly to have a lot of free time for an insane amount of hours on an elliptical, and you have to imagine that at any particular

“Leftist ideas” that used to be centrist ideas that Dems and Repubs agreed on, way back in the 70s, before the entire government was fully bought and paid for.

Fdr set the rate even higher than what she wants to put it at so it’s hardly an impossible ask.

Everyone's so busy hating one the post that spawned this comment that they missed where you basically said that poor people's children don't deserve to live as much as your potential kids.