Oven Cravers IV

Man, having kids sounds horrible

Owls put their points into Stealth and Perception talents instead of Intelligence. They’re pretty efficient unless a tougher bird of prey or group of corvids decide to start a conflict. I know a local owl took out two crows when a large group of them tried to harass it out of the area.

Owls have very small brains. Their eyes take most of their skull’s space. All in all, they’re not really smart, even for a bird.

Airlines don’t care about sustainability, but if this design let them make more profits they will immediately jump on it.

I mean, Mike Love has been into it for what, half a century or so? And he’s one of the biggest assholes on the planet

when you get right down to it, how simple many modern day feats of technology are at their core

Reddit relies on users to create content and mods to keep the content within community guidelines. Reddit is generating money from this volunteer effort.

This is some weird defensive bullshit. I like to get fucked up but like, no one was attacking that. Let the guy be proud of his kid for being sober. 

Fuck the booze industry.

Blame the consumer for not supporting overprice capitalism. good on gen z for not blowing their money on overpriced poison.

Prices will increase until spending improves.

How about concerts are too expensive and people who go to them don’t want to spend money on overpriced refreshments?

I’m kinda proud of Gen Z for this one. I don’t want live performance venues to suffer, but I also want people to make healthy choices.

The earliest dates that are used to define Gen Z are 1995-2012. Half of this generation aren’t of legal age but hey, damn those 13 years old who are killing the booze industry, right?

Went to a concert a few weekends ago. One 16oz white claw was 17 dollars. Beer was no better at 18-19 dollars for one 16oz. That can’t be the reason though.

I’m still not sold on the sequel yet, I can’t really put my finger on why, but I need to read/see more.

I never laughed as hard playing with friends as I have with this game. The jank made it B movie kinda special. RIP. 

When the galaxy is made to feel that small, when we keep revisiting these already-established nexuses of characters, Jedi or otherwise, that scale in the background fiction doesn’t carry the weight it should, and remains forever in abstract.

I think it’d be interesting to see a non-religious Force user. Someone who thinks they’re just a psychic mutant and doesn’t buy into the mysticism.

The “problem” the Jedi purge always had is that it was clearly initially set up in A New Hope as something that happened over a very long period of time, and the time were there were 100 000 Jedi in the galaxy is very far in the rear view mirror. It’s very much a fantasy concept of lost golden age.