Oven Cravers IV

Humans are animals that have evolved for centuries to use tactile objects and muscle memory to operate machines, an example of a person being weird would be Steve Jobs with his koumpounophobia. But touchscreens are mostly about corporations having less moving parts that they might have to repair under warranty.

Given that times have been tough and groceries are so expensive, I’m honestly kinda glad I’ve never really been tempted by this thing. Doing just fine as a Switch/PC gamer

Texting plans were cell service providers charging people $10/month for the privilege of receiving a few bytes of data through SMS rather than through the web. Thank you for providing a perfect example of why we do not want to have to depend on their data plans to deliver us all of our games. 

Streaming could never be mainstream with the internet we have today, and I don’t see ISPs getting motivated to beef it up all that much in the next 10 years either. 

Switch Ni

It’s easy to assume that Nintendo will take another big swing with their next console since we’ve seen it done, but also it’s important to remember that the Switch represented a merging of their console and handheld lines, and they’ve had much more consistent success with handhelds, so I’m betting that they treat

I’ve personally always used my PC hooked up to my TV with a controller so I don’t know if that would even apply to me, but at the same time, nah when I’ve used a computer for work I never felt like my home computer time ever reminded me of work and I don’t recall anyone ever saying anything like that to me, maybe I’ve

This isn’t so much of an issue on PC because of competing stores, piracy, and key resellers, but man some of Nintendo’s first party games on Switch have never gone below $40 digitally and rarely even go that low, I have so many Switch games physically not because I’m worried about preservation but because physical

I maintain that the kinect was the worst motion control device because human brains need feedback and controlling a game by waving your arms will never work because it’s too frictionless (for example look at how much the Dualsense is built on the exact opposite principle, tons of tactile feedback) but if they’d just

Les Tacquois

I will, you deserve one at that price

I’m sorry but $350 is what it absolutely should cost regular price at this point, you are buying a console that will be current gen for 4-5 more years tops and a more powerful version will come before that.

It was always fun, but also at this point most people paying any attention at all know that undercooked trailers and games released too early are a major problem for a lot of games, and removing something that served as a kind of “deadline” will hopefully help studios to not get backed into a corner as much.

Trombone Champ? That came out last year.

It looks great, I really hope that there isn’t a fully integrated tiktok system in the game because I play video games to get away from that shit (because I am addicted to it)

I want the game to give me gameplay mechanics that I didn’t know I wanted. GTA Vice City and San Andreas were particularly good at this. Also would like it if NPCs mostly texted instead of calling because the scripted phonecalls in GTA V/online were pretty much just as annoying as getting lengthy voicemails in real

“Practically giving the consoles away”? Wow we sure have gotten used to consoles staying the same price for years and years, Xbox one took a little over a year to reach this price point (albeit with the Kinect removed)

We’ve spent decades teaching kids to want moar capitalism for xmas and this is just the latest strain of it, granted they probably are bigger suckers than we were because things purchased with digital currency won’t appreciate in value like the GI Joes and Barbies we got as kids in the Reagan “cartoons can legally can

I honestly have no idea what the architecture of the PS5 is like and what it was designed to be capable of, but you can hook up two monitors and “stretch” the display across both of them on a PC so I assume that such a thing would be technically possible across a TV and a remote screen, but most modern console games

I’m not a PS5 owner but if this thing could be used as a second screen for couch multiplayer like with an FPS, I’d really consider it. I guess after the Wii U failed we’re not gonna get anything like that ever again.