Oven Cravers IV

If you want to see what “everyone didn’t go see the first movie on the first weekend, but whenever they got around to it, they loved it like the rest of us” looks like, it took ITSV three weeks what ATSV did in three days at the US box office ($120 million). 

the first one should have been a pack-in game.

“You think that’s air you’re breathing? ... hmm”

I’d be fine if I never saw this douche’s face again, even in meme format.

At least with torrents there’s a stopgap.

Streaming is effectively recreating the world that existed before home video, where you’d come across some show or movie on TV and never be able to see it again. We’re going backwards. 

Anyone lining up for this clearly wasn’t using their brain for anything important anyways.

He should also volunteer to test flight SpaceX shuttles.

Honestly, he should volunteer himself. Put your money where your mouth is dude. 

I find it troubling and hilarious that the same people who were freaking out about the non-existent Bill Gates microchips in vaccines are the same ones begging to get put on the wait list to have Elon’s experimental macrochips hammered directly into their brains. 

whats the over under on if he uses one of his own children first. 

Huh. After reading this I’ve come to realize that I’ve never thought of Halo as being a singleplayer game. My brother and I saved up for an Xbox to play the first one together, as a co-op FPS story campaign was pretty mind-blowing back then. Since then, I’ve only ever played Halo games via co-op with friends/family. I

The problem is that his contract said he was going to be in “one times ones” number of movies.

Brace yourself and check out Nintendo’s latest console. I think it’ll make your day.

No. It is the Sony version of the Wii U’s Gamepad

So, its a Sony Steam Deck.

This is awesome!

The kickstarter side of the hobby just looks like influencer culture and FOMO dialed up to 11.

Zelda just appropriated Link’s house because she’s royalty and can do shit like that without repercussions.

Botw sold more copies than every other previous entry combined. Of course its going to be the new format going forward. Get used to durability, nerds.