
It’s the only thing keeping me going on a treadmill. I’m convinced they give the ones at HGTV a bunch of wine first

Paul Ryan is the ass kisser of the century, I cannot stand looking at his smug face.


I am deeply, unequivocally done FINISHED hearing his voice. Anymore is sends me into a rage fit. I think for my health I’ll use captions

I’m caught between empathising with the La La Land crew and also thinking they were a little rude.

Yeah, with those details missing it becomes a very different story.

I was so confused - I thought the Oscars website called it wrong but holy plot twist.

THIS is where I’d love to see my money go

I have trouble with those product types too because I notice the formulation is so different between brands. I almost feel like what I use still gives me issues but I’m mostly desensitized to it or have learned the work around. To re-learn at this juncture would throw a big wrench in my lifestyle.

Yes! There burns are real. Some of these companies are really reckless

As someone with super sensitive skin I thank you! I will decide what’s good and bad for me, not some person running a side hustle out if their dining room.

Same! My high school bff’s mom sold it and would give us stuff constantly. Great stuff.

I hope this is real and I hope there are other earth’s full of people.

Demand for a product can sometimes be so great that it puts a huge financial burden on a company by way of inventory (buying it or having it made) or even securing and stabilizing a supply chain that they are then unable to recoup the total cost and go under. This happens everyday.

It’s like the most shitty game of whack a mole ever.

Yeah! A sloppy one night stand? Okay heat of the moment, but we took my dog to a park the day before, get your life together dude.

Yeah def not haha. At first I thought he was one of those “sex is beautiful” types but then he was ugly crying in my bed. It’s really really funny now.

I don’t know about prison but he definitely needs some non optional time with a therapist

I once met a dude (also on tinder) we did the deed after a couple dates and then he broke out into tears because he was married and thought he could handle cheating. I’m positive that had I not kicked him out we’d have gotten to the “you didn’t ask” part as well

LOL frothing gremlins. It’s true though