
Is Azealia Banks performance art?

I’m not religious so I have a cobbled together feeling about the afterlife and where my dead loved ones fit in to that. I think it’s sweet when people find ways to remember or honor people that have passed either by assigning them a token or finding their spirit in other things.

Oh good lordt, I was going to look into the movie but thank you for the warning! 

I’m real tired of the flawed rock star child narrative - she fucked up, people fuck up, regardless of who their parents are

People who don’t give back gifted family heirlooms are trash. Grandma’s wedding ring? Give it back. Late dad’s guitar? That shit was never meant to be yours, do the right thing!

She’s extremely angry about her level of fame in the face of other people doing it better or without hate. Her high blood pressure is solely her fault

It’s been documented in many stories about her, do you have inside info that its not true?

I want to Kendall Jenner’s jumpsuit to my wedding

“Jay says the pair met on Christian Mingle in an interview with No Jumper in March and comments on the possibility of having a baby. “I don’t wear condoms. . . I would not want to f–k a bitch I did not want to get pregnant,” he says. “If Chyna got pregnant, I would keep that s–t like ‘ohh daddy love you,’ I love that

Too Many Waves has posted many “comments” which are inherently degrading to feminists everywhere. I don’t see how anyone even in the “non sex positive” faction could consider them a legitimate feminist.

I wanted to scream, the fucking nerve - did you not catch the symbolism? What am I thinking of course not

Something in the same vein as tigers blood

“Prosecutors claim that during ceremonies in which her slaves were branded, Mack “placed her hands on the slaves’ chests and told them to ‘feel the pain’ and to ‘think of [their] master,’ as the slaves cried with pain.””

Def not, but I imagine they’re waiting for the other wtf story to do a mashup per usual

Oh man I kind of enjoyed her on Broad City

We’ve had a rescue for about a month now, REALLY tempted to start him one haha

FY! Youth of Today


Your typo is actually accurate

I thought that was done to sell the illusion that bankruptcy is there only option - it’s not.