Scotts Tots

Why put anyone in a position to answer a question like that.

somehow coming to believe one really deep and terrifying fact about the world that no one else believes and thinks I’m crazy for believing

The auction winner.

How many of you guys are able to make a full living off of writing?

I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.

He found it too hard to coach with 2 rings stuffed in his ears. The problem only got worse after keeping the Jack Adams trophy shoved up his ass

Roy-t happened?

Finally, the moment my stupid Kinja handle has been waiting for.

I read somewhere that (as of this morning) every Canadian medal was won by women. I thought that was cool.

But Canada got bronze! That’s just like gold to us!

Once golf starts using trained birds to drop the balls into the hole, then you can start comparing it to dressage.

The question here is “for humans” which the first two overwhelmingly qualify over the third.

Now playing

Ah, you got it backwards, Barry. The soulless, inexorcisable undead that won’t go away have spent the last two weeks holding — and covering — political conventions.


Heinicke tried to kick open the door and cut his foot while breaking through the glass pane on the door.

That trashcan is our starting power forward

Q: What do you think about the effect of advanced metrics on game strategy?

We should be thankful the reporter didn’t ask Gronk which one has better deep balls.

The cops were all over him, like white on Rice.

“What an amazing tribute.” - Dan Snyder