
Also, if you live in a state where polls close early (I believe in Kentucky they close at 6 p.m.) that shit needs to change. Working people can’t vote if polls are only open when they’re at work.

People have been hating this scam club shit since the Columbia House days.

You spelled “freaks” wrong.

though calling them “geeks” makes them sound cuddly and way non-threatening

Look out when these gun idiots feel threatened. They can get away with anything if they’re a lil bit scared.

There is more than one way to lose a mom. /js

Now just imagine the shit they’ve been getting away with all these years, especially in areas with a lot of minorities. Can you imagine what it was like for a black person in dealing with a cop in the South in the 1950’s if this is what it’s like now?

i believe her. khloe has always seemed fairly normal, and her relationship with lamar seemed real enough, though it ended sadly.

Well, for a lot of people, it is an appetite that grows with feeding. Despite the ubiquity of Internet nudity, people are still going to want to see boobs.

When Christian people talk about being persecuted for their faith this behavior is the problem. They are being called out for being racist, sexist, ageist assholes who don’t seem to follow any moral compass besides mean girls. Not for believing in JC.

Well, everyone knows female bodies in the public space serve as objects for straight male sexual consumption. Non-sexual functions remind the patriarchy that women are humans and we can’t be having that.

Cleavage is encouraged in public spaces...as long as they aren’t involved in breast feeding.

Empowering Russell?

It’s sobering to consider how quickly overdraft fees, account maintenance fees, minimum balance fees, and ATM transaction fees add up for some but not for others.

You mean preying?

So glad he’s praying. That should help.

It’s the hypocrisy that stuns me...they have no shame about opening their fucking mouths to talk shit when they’re in no position to. This is the same woman who goes around advocating for abstinence and condemning people who’ve made the same fucking choices in life she has!!! It just amazes me how nuts they are!

I’m teaching analysis in my course right now, and how to look for an author’s assumptions.

Poor Bristol. She’s always the babymama, never the bride.