The Bro-scial Network
The Bro-scial Network
Reach out and touch cake.
Dammit, Albert. You’re an excellent basketball analyst and writer. Seriously. More of this style (informative and entertaining with the subject at the forefront) and less of that other thing you do, when you jack off in the mirror and share your IMPORTANT AND CORRECT opinions.
“Wreaking” havoc, not “Wrecking” havoc.
“Kyrie Irving Has One Father, And It’s Not Lebron James.”
I know nothing at all about sports history, so maybe you could direct me to a few examples of old timey players responding to sports writers and talking about their teammates like a second daddy. It was common, right?
Is it possible you’re just as confused as the women you’re criticizing? Because I’ve heard women use the word “vagina” to describe their vulva, but never to describe the mons pubis.
See, “Big Mac” is much easier to say than whatever silly straw man you just threw out there. Plus, it’s literally the most well known fast food menu item in the world, so it’s already part of people’s vocabulary.
Ronaldo also holds a slight edge over Lionel Messi in number of times arrested for rape.*
It’s not Masterpiece Theater, but they both seem like chill people who genuinely like each other, and that alone makes it so much more bearable than Skip and SAS flinging their poo at each other and us.
Right? She’s actually only 43. Philly’s a rough town.
And I have no admiration people who predictably appear after these incidents to stridently brag about their indifference to a person’s death.
I was wondering the same thing. The only “men” in this study are avatars and it’s really about how women deal with rejection, which appears to be to take out that hurt on the next poor guy that comes along.
Hey, blogging is like, totes hard, okay?
What do you think “penultimate” means?
This is a paradox. If Jezebel has taught me anything, it’s that women should be embraced unconditionally. But Gawker has taught me that the rich should be rejected unconditionally.
That GIF is so viscerally satisfying to watch, over and over again. Great goal.
That’s a cool story (seriously). But, can you articulate why Under Armour should get rid of the shirt?
I am accepting any bet that the tweeter, Taylor Anderson, buys an Under Armour Product, again. And probably, soon.
C’mon. You want to blame the Orioles for not paying employees of other companies?