
At 3-0 in the third, was she down one or two breaks?

It would have been equally tasteless, but 100x funnier.

That poor woman. Fuck.

KrissKross MorkMindy

Either you’re approaching your 70’s, or your son should find some friends that are more age-appropriate.

How wonderful that in taking down his complaints about ad hominem attacks, you manage to mock him for being short.

The balloons falling down from the ceiling? They’re to celebrate the 1,000,000th time that joke has been told.

He’s not wrong, but he’s short and Deadspin hates him, so let the pile on begin!

I love that in your comment criticizing the use of singular/plural, you’ve made a singular/plural error of your own.

Are you a teenager? You must be a teenager.

The author wasn’t arguing that all free items have no value. He was arguing that not all free items have value.

Except the bag of dog crap comes with associated costs and no conceivable benefits.

“I’m looking for great skaters and playmakers and guys that are good in the dressing room. Mostly though, I want smart players. Players with brains. I want brains. Give me brains. Braaaaaaains!

These words are very unnecessary. They can only do harm (to the notion of what’s funny).

Thanks. I’m not sure I fully follow, but I’ll take your work for it!

“Knicks fans boo every draft pick”

What does it mean to “make back domestic gross?” Domestic gross is a type of revenue.

I used to work with a lot of clinically-diagnosed sociopaths and Warren Sapp’s demeanor and affect always made me think he was one of them.

Phil has definitely packed on the pounds, but in this particular picture, I believe the flabby, useless, protuberance at his midsection is just Little Jimmy Dolan.

This isn’t ‘Nam, Walter. There are rules.