
Dave addressed the allegations on-air, in an exceptionally honest and straightforward way, so it’s not as if he was asking anything of Hilton that he didn’t ask of himself.

Schedules are established before the playoffs begin. Sometimes it works out elegantly, sometimes it doesn’t.


Yes, I’m sure they’re very happy. NYC is the country’s biggest sports market and will bring viewers, drive ratings and generate ad revenue.

Alright, stop whacha’ doin’

Breaking: Ovechkin guarantees that he’ll shoot par this weekend.

He deserves an A for recognition, but a B- for execution.

You can’t bend your girlfriend over a mattress on the floor.

You’re right. “A legend is born” was a poor choice of words, although that was the night he became a NY sports legend, and the whole guarantee/Game 6 performance enhanced his overall legacy.

Yup. Or D-Rose and Paul Pierce are “clutch” because they hit game winners, even though they actually put up horrible bricks.

Guarantees are good things only to the extent that they fire up teammates and raise their confidence. But, no athlete is prescient and since a “guarantee” comes with no promise of money back or compensation, they’re practically meaningless.

I wrote a similar thing, but Mark dismissed it. Because he’s a fascist.

“Unfortunately, that story has proven to be false.”

Awwww, this was heartbreaking. Were these guys for real, or were they actors?

Old Dirty Bacon?

Jesus Christ, stop groveling. As a man, there is virtually nothing you can say here about your experience or feelings (they’re actually called “wittle fee-fees” if you’re male) that won’t get torn to shreds.

Damn vaccinations.

They all wore Hugo Boss. Even this Jew is impressed.

I’m all for calling out injustice, and Grundy’s perspective is more right than wrong, the problem is that she is teaching and grading the very people she thinks so little of and that creates a problematic situation.

Laughing at Alonso who’s so busy calling for the offside that Neymar zips right past him to finish the play.