His schtick is tweaking the exact female analog of a bro. I’ve got no problem with that.
His schtick is tweaking the exact female analog of a bro. I’ve got no problem with that.
Are you not afraid of Howard because you think you can take him, or because you think it would never come to a fight because he’s afraid of you?
Bomani good.
Hi, and welcome to Earth! On this planet, conversations regularly pivot to related topics.
My comment was relevant because . . . this was a thread about Brian Regan.
Brian Regan’s great . . . if you find Jim Gaffigan a little too edgy and political.
I’ve never had a manager that didn’t talk about “asking for forgiveness, not permission,” as if they were the first to hit on that old chestnut.
Has skipping meals prevented her from growing or learning at a normal rate?
Agreed. The kid’s a good dancer for sure, but this wouldn’t have been posted if he had been more fit, which makes the whole thing feel a little patronizing.
“SportsCenter just got a Top Ten from #10.”
I’m not a parent, so maybe somebody can tell me . . . what happens if you make a meal and tell your kid, “This is what the family is eating. If you don’t want to eat it, that’s okay, but it’s the only food that’s available now.” I’m sure some kids will boycott a meal or two with this approach, but they’re not going to…
I think that’s an excellent descriptor. Still, when athletes do something awesome, I like when they show genuine emotion instead of self-consciously trying to act hard-as-fuck.
See, I don’t read that quote as being so much Pro-Dadbod as just being disgustingly objectifying and insulting. It’s like the gross, sexist old trope that “bro, fat girls give good head because they have to!”
Do you feel a little better about yourself, now? You sure knocked me down a peg. Just an amazing deconstruction of somebody you know virtually nothing about. Your capacity for analysis and dishing sick burns is amazing. A true internet All-Star. Thumbs up!
Damn. Differing opinions make you mad!
I have no doubt that’s happened and, as you pointed out yourself, that the support of the wrong team was merely a pretense for that violence.
So, you think people beat their spouses for being a fan of the wrong team, but when you tried to find any evidence for that belief you couldn’t, and yet you still maintain your belief.
“Comparing a very realistic scenario to the truly over the top/absurdist Three Stooges is pretty much peak “Well, actually...””
That distinction didn’t escape me. But the Cavs ad (though neither funny nor well done) exists in an absurdist universe, which, for me, earns it a pass.
You’re probably right, but I love being outraged and want to be outraged twice, so I think I’m going to get upset about the total lack of charisma from the actors in the Cavs promo.