So, does this mean we have nothing to be outraged about? Or, do we have . . . two things?!?
So, does this mean we have nothing to be outraged about? Or, do we have . . . two things?!?
Assuming no harm would come to him, how much would you pay for this to happen to Berman during a very large broadcast?
I know that ESPN leaves a lot to be desired, but I really enjoy Van Pelt and Bucccigross hosting SportsCenter, together.
I’ll give you credit, because the imagined reality you’ve concocted around these guys is certainly vivid.
I don’t give a shit about Tom Brady or the NFL, but can we please stop affixing the word “gate” to anything that’s remotely controversial?
Who am I forgetting that’s pulled a similar Triple Crown?
Did not know that. Impressive.
I agree with you. That’s what I hedged and said “peak or near-peak.” And I’m not claiming he was an effective politician, but achieving the highest office of a state like California is an incredible accomplishment and responsibility.
There is plenty about which to criticize Ah-nold, but he’s truly amazing in that he’s risen to the peak or near-peak of three vastly different professions.
Still not as annoying a name as “McG.”
He is such a creepy, little sociopath.
Normally, raising one’s hand as an acknowledgment of fault is a nice move. In this case, it seemed hilariously unnecessary.
I’m not a car guy, so go easy on me . . .
These are great. Very cool.
Albert is a person with important and correct thoughts about everything and they must be shared. We’re all better for it.
Oh wow! Tom Ley got to write a sanctimonious thought-piece about a social issue. He’s finally a Deadspin big boy!
Counterpoint: Centerfield is a genuinely great baseball song.
Lenny Kravitz: Very handsome man with unique fashion sense who makes some dull-ass music.
Alright there, tough guy.