Ah, jeez. I’m an idiot.
Ah, jeez. I’m an idiot.
Seriously? I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a “Davidson fan boy.” But, you know what? If you go to a tiny school and one of your own makes it big, I say celebrate.
I hope somebody else is watching ESPN and hearing James Taylor sing the most maudlin, absurd song, ever. It’s called “Angels of Fenway” (seriously) and can only be described as Red Sox Nation fellating itself and coming all over its own face.
I get your point about how we’ve forgiven Tyson, but I think he and Mayweather are really different cases.
“That font is pretty.”
It’s a weird phenomenon that big fights suddenly make everybody vocal boxing experts. I’d guess it’s tied to wanting to seem masculine and formidable by virtue of ostensibly knowing how to fight.
I agree with all of that, but that’s not what Jackson was saying and I’m not sure why you keep ignoring that.
This is not hard. If we’re judging Mayweather as a person, we have to discuss his personal behavior and his boxing ability. But, if we’re judging his boxing ability, he only need to discuss his boxing ability.
You seem confused.
Don’t make me do this, Tim, but Jackson was largely right.
Starred because you might be the first person on the internet to ever be willing to consider a different opinion.
I don’t buy that for two reasons. The first is that professional athletes are insanely competitive and since the payday is guaranteed, why wouldn’t they fight to win? Also, if they love paydays, they’d want to set up a rematch, which they’d know wouldn’t be served by a snoozer.
“In our never-ending attempt to bring you highlight plays that you won’t see on SportsCenter . . . “
I don’t know if Paquiao is full of shit or not, but your comment ignores the fact that rotator cuff injuries can vary in severity.
To see if this might be true, I’d have to go back and the watch the fight again, but I don’t hate myself that much.
But then you’ll wait forever and die alone.
Serious, or joking?
Looking for advice on gendered pronouns . . .
In the case of the World Series, the Yankees were willing to pay for a service from which they profited. Now, they’re unwilling to pay for something from which they can’t profit.
I guarantee that unless you washed your hands in the last five minutes, a fecal swab would be positive.