
maybe just let people voice their disappointment. Nobody is saying that these performers didn’t do a wonderful job, they just didn’t provide proper representation.

Someone summed it up as “The Princess Bride, but with Clive Barker monsters,” and that seems pretty much apropos.

I wanted to like this show so much, I stuck it out til the end, but overall I just couldn’t get into it. I didn’t like basically any of the directions they went.

I mean, yeah. It was cute, but in a very CW kind of way. Also, after all this time, still making Willow a bit of a buffoon and not an older, wiser person. Also, what even happened in that show, completely unmemorable

Our local zoo has a “giraffe observation deck” that extends into the pen right at giraffe height. If you ever get a chance, I highly recommend booping a giraffe’s snoot.

Giraffes are awesome. That’s all I have to add.

Gonna be honest, this is a pretty wild read that makes me think the division caused by the ending will not be mitigated at all. Because to me, I was thinking during the finale: “Wow Joel comes off even worse here than in the game.” Especially because the show, for the most part, has avoided Joel being depicted as a

“Initially I was not very kind to that community. As I learned some things and met some people in that community, I realized they’re still individuals and they still have value,””

Ah yes, enough of a realization to denounce your party’s ongoing push to dehumanize them and take away their rights, right?  Right?

Sure, he was just an innocent great-grandfather who loved looking at hot 20-year-old men’s asses. But he’s not gay or anything!

Boy it’d be great if y’all could wait until after work to plaster spoilers to the front page. 

The original Star Wars trilogy prominently credited Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, David Prowse, and even Kenny Baker as R2-D2, making them household names for the fans, even though Daniels was the only one whose voice we heard. So it’s surprising they took this long to credit Mando’s suit actors.

The dialogue is an artistic choice; it is formalized and stylized because it is in the mode of Japanese Samurai dramas and their Western counterparts. Mando himself comes from a highly-structured and formalized culture, so it makes sense he talks that way. 

The comments supporting her post-firing Twitter post are delusional. One user wrote “the boos come from the cheap seats” (a reference to a famous Babe Ruth quote. Another user wrote “boo the poors.” I’m pretty sure Ms. Crawford was underpaid. She was underpaid, overworked, fiercely loyal and it got her nowhere.

Saying something is a “good idea” because Facebook has started doing it, is not a very convincing argument...

I have deep misgivings about the realism of the fungus people, too!

is that I’m Batman line really cheesy and not at all fitting for Keaton Batman?

bah. just go by a Rivian. its like the cyber truck, but its good and it exists.

I remain baffled they haven’t smartened up and cancelled the thing.  It makes no sense.  It won’t sell.  If they turned that effort into a proper 3-row SUV, it would sell like hot cakes.

It’s almost like Elon Musk is a dumbass with the intellectual depth of a 9 year old and only knows about stainless steel because it’s what the DeLorean from Back To the Future was made out of and it would be le epic bacon if his meme truck was made out of the same thing. 

Having gone through this many .. many times before with other exchanges. MOST often this signals the end for an exchange. Find a way to get your money off now or lose it. I don’t say that to be alarmist, its just necessary. One should not keep money on exchanges that isnt specifically for trading. They are NOT a bank