
Beyonce has a fuck ton of Grammys, let’s talk about Diana Ross never having won a Grammy (and losing yet again this year!) That’s the fucking crime!

Not surprising. I’ve been seeing everywhere people tying themselves up in knots trying to come up with some kind of criticism to cover their homophobia. Looks like the most popular choice is to say the episode had no purpose.

That’s cool. I always enjoy these anthology series, getting to see a bunch of different stories by different creators makes up for the hit ‘n miss nature of them.

I don’t know if I can express how much I want to see what Aardman does. I loved their DC shorts.

If the anime companies wanted to do more of these, I say they let them. Hell, let them make full length anime films out of it if they want. Star Wars is such a unique universe with tons of areas to explore, and they always have the option of making them non-canon.

Modern gaming in a nutshell! 

I think the facts speak for themselves. The park doesnt have to accommodate for people of a certain size when it comes to safety. And dont be fooled, im 6'4" with a 42" waistline coming up on 300 lbs. If I saw this and was going to universal, you bet I would be working some of that weight off. Also, if this is a bad

Two things can be true: obese people should be treated with dignity, respect, love, and validation; and we need to confront the food problems that are causing unhealthy obesity and killing people. The former is a social issue; the latter needs to be led by the agencies who are supposedly built to help combat public

While I think they probably should have designed this to be more accommodating, but less than 40" waistline isn’t “thin”, at least for dudes.

Source: I’m around 38" and I’m a bit of a fat fuck. 

The same CDC dataset cited noted that 42% of Americans are obese, a number that doubled since 1990. Not overweight: obese. 2/3 of adult Americans are now overweight. But I’m sure I’m in for a lecture or my post will get deleted for noting this.

It’s almost as if the average American is overweight and/or obese.

Rides have requirements, height, weight, whatever.  Don’t put the target on your own back just because you think it’s unfair.  My kids have thought it unfair that they couldn’t ride a roller coaster because they weren’t tall enough, but there’s nothing to be done about it.

“A 40” waist line is about a [women’s] size 20.”

It would not have been able to compete in the theatrical marketplace; it was built for the small screen”
soooo, release on the small screen? As originally planned?

ALS is always terminal, though. My dad is going through it right now.

To be fair that could also describe Alice Cooper, who seems like a perfectly nice guy off stage. Too many people assumed the same about Warner, and were catastrophically wrong.

who the fuck put this beautiful, heartbreaking romance in my zombie apocalypse show!

Absolutely beautiful *and* guaranteed to piss off all the right assholes.

Loved it (and so glad they took this route instead of the game version).

They nailed this episode. I went in expecting a fairly strict adaptation of Bill from the game: a loner curmudgeon with a chip on his shoulder who helps Joel find a car battery.

...you can just hear the alt-right grifters salivating at their viewcounts for the next week, after they get off their requisite “LAST OF US WENT WOKE” youtube nonsense...