
Casino is much better than people think.

“Korgan the Child Eater hasn’t eaten any children lately so we believe he does not present a sufficient threat to continue to be banned from the preschool playcenter.

Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.

My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.

My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.

Hey, does everyone remember when the SCOTUS gutted the Voting Rights Act because it had done its job and racism was over, and then it took all of twenty-six seconds for a dozen states to immediately start disenfranchising voters again?

Frankly, if they hold Trump to even minimum standards he’ll be out on his ass in under a week.

The problem, of course, is that facebook (and twitter) regularly ignores their own policies when it comes to important rich people. But seriously, “broke our user policies for years and then tried to foment treason” wasn’t

Alternative. The real end of the story is when we set a new standard for heroes and new ones arise who seem to manage to not harm people. If it seems like it’s everyone you love… well isn’t that evidence of how bad the problem is and how urgently we should want society to change? It has — in this way — already

I think the reveal of her being a Palpatine was a little.... hammy... but it does make her choosing to be a Skywalker (with Luke & Leia’s blessing, clearly) more impactful.

I’m glad she wasn’t the daughter of Han and Leia, making her the sister/twin sister to Ben. Also, that she wasn’t Luke’s daughter.

I wish she had stayed no one. That was new and felt dangerous in a weird way because it departed from what Star Wars has done again and again. We had that journey with Luke and it was great. It was nice to see this other angle of someone being able to something without this legacy. 

“With so many eligible organizations—more than 1 million globally—our ability to have an impact was often spread too thin.”

Much of California is backed by a mountain range that traps and concentrates pollutants as the wind flows to the east. On the other side of that range is the remainder of the US. Personal observation: Flew out of LA and as the plane passed over those mountains I could see what might be described well enough as a very

Better still if she’d been just some person.  Not the heir of some magical force dynasty.  The message that ANYONE can become great and make a diff is all kinda my steez.

Grogu gets his Mandalorian armor this season or we take to the streets, right?

Normally yes - but Mandalorians historically are heavily armored.. with actual armor, not stormtrooper armor that can’t stop a single blaster bolt. Even Mandalorians who couldn’t secure their own Beskar for armor still effectively utilized thick durasteel plates that could withstand considerable blaster fire. A

How dare a story about mandalorians happen on mandalore!

Exactly, I couldn’t get my brain around who all those people moving and talking on the screen were. They don’t look exactly like the CGI characters in a video game I played many years ago, and it deeply confused me.

Did you really write five paragraphs about a show that you might decide to check out later and then post the same thing on both here and on AV club? No real comment other than.... that’s a strange thing to do. 

I stopped watching shows, as they aired, for this exact reason.

Every thing I watch gets canceled. Every single thing.

Just give it to Netflix and relicense the movie back to them for another year. They would want it.