
I love these dog reunion videos. They get me every time! *sniffle*

Our guys usually only do that if they're way, way excited to see us. It's an explosion of doggie happiness and love! I don't have the heart to suppress that, so I just take my licks and then go wash my face.

"I don't like being beholden to anyone."


Fair point.

Now playing

That ending just made me think of that youtube video "white chicks & gang signs"

Hey, whatever helps to bring more Republicans on side.

I recently got my dad an android smartphone (samsung galaxy something or other). It was the phone with the biggest screen and the most user-friendly feel of the ones in the store I went to, but was still affordable on a plan. He seems to be picking it up pretty well.

Ugh, sorry your dad is such a shit. "Thinking about it" is not even a remotely okay response.

That's how I initially felt about the comma too, but I had to stop using it at work...so now I just type it, look longingly at it, and then sigh and backspace. *tear* Sometimes I still use it though because, as you said, it just makes sense damnit!

Ugh, yes! I have to go through a million cards to find one that doesn't say "You were always there for me" - NOPE - "You taught me how to be a good person" - NOPE - "You always protected me" - NOPE - and so on...

I don't know...I really don't think that empathy can be taught to narcissistic/sociopathic assholes... they'll just use that information to fine-tune their manipulativeness. Maybe I am biased having grown up with one of those people as a stepfather, but I vote "just a shitty, shitty human being". I think even if a

2 things:

Yes. All the time yes.

Dating seems so high-pressure to me. I met my partner volunteering, which was great because you know you have a shared interest to begin with and you have something to talk about. Maybe instead of focusing on the dating part, you could just try doing things you enjoy (taking a drawing class, volunteering, whatever)

Aww, I'm sorry about your job :( That sucks.

I think you're right, and I hope you find him!

I am procrastinating horribly on writing something that was due today (Saturday...I guess it's technically Sunday now so I've officially missed the deadline). It's only 1000 words and it shouldn't so fucking hard but I just can't get my brain in gear! I feel totally burned out and my ability to write has evaporated.

Just a thought...with all of his good qualities, is it deal-breaker important that he read books you want him to read and be a skilled conversationalist? Maybe those needs could be met in other ways (friends, book clubs, etc.). Taking charge in the bedroom is something that can be worked on too if he's open to the

I'm partial to "taco"...it makes me laugh.