
It might be worthwhile to network with professionals in the career you're thinking of switching into... Talk with them. Find social networks/blogs/etc for and by professionals of the new field. With a bit of luck, you should be able to get an accurate picture of what the field is actually like, warts and all. If

These videos always cause my dog to have have major meltdowns. She's currently racing from window to window, trying to figure out who's daring enough to get that close to her house. She'll pause long enough to do the head tilt thing at the really high pitched ones, then it's back to her investigation...

(As an ex-NJ waitress turned California paleontologist)

Kirk told Picard in Generations not to ever get promoted, and to always stay captain. Picard most likely took the advice since Kirk had let himself get promoted and hated it as seen in the first two films.

You've gotta admit, Janeway was a pretty damn good Captain. Kirk and Picard get all the glory, but Janeway had the toughest voyage and she held it together like a champ. Probably why she got promoted to Admiral before Picard.

Sadly I think that was the point, he wanted to show off how much he was controlling her as an example for his church to follow. We see a fucked up relationship and they see a biblical one.

This guy looks exactly like the the meatheads in high school who made people's lives hell- simply because they were different, or nerdy, or liked to write poetry in the library during lunch. I keep thinking he must sound like Chet from Weird Science.

I worked at a coffee shop where his wife Grace came into. She just had the saddest, most defeated look in her eyes.

I have my doubts about agnostics (joke).

Lindy, you didn't even scratch the surface of how OBSESSED with sex he is. I have been sitting back and waiting for years for whatever his disgusting scandal is going to be—because you KNOW there will be one.

I call myself "pro-abortion". Because I think abortions should be free, legal and on demand.

Well, for starters he was the typical extremely self-impressed, Mr. Popular jerk-off. He wasn't nice to the poor kids or the uncool kids - he made fun of people all the time. The particularly awful thing I know of is that he was close friends with a guy all through school - like his entire life. The friend came out a

I wonder if a demon infestation is kind of like getting lice or bedbugs. Those suckers are hard to get rid of. I am imagining her scrubbing herself with some smelly disinfectant and putting everything in plastic bags. Do you have to throw out your mattress when you get a demon infestation?

I think it's EXTREMELY irresponsible to tell a victim of sexual abuse, especially if they don't remember the abuse, to go over to the abuser and ask them if they abused you. Even more irresponsible is going into such a potentially damaging subject like sexual abuse in such a cavalier way and telling someone 'Jesus

SO, SEATTLE PEOPLE. Real question, because I dunno who/where else to ask.

Let my words ring from the hillsides: I am Driscoll's target audience, a 20-something unmarried Calvinist Christian. And yet he concerns me and many of my like-minded friends because, while he touts biblical soundness [EDIT: biblical orthodoxy], many of his teachings are just enough off-target as to be completely

He should think of his wife as "a garden" and himself as "the gardener." If you look at your garden and don't like how it looks, Driscoll preaches, just remember: "You are the gardener."

Breaking news: Fundamentalist Christian male is a chauvinistic, bigoted asshole.

If you want a hipster religion become a Unitarian, they're too cool to proselytize, and they were gay marrying people before gay marrying was cool.

I went to high school with this guy. He was in my older sister's grade. I can assure you, he is THE WORST.