
"Because the entire political structure of our country is a Penis Monologue."

Can totally empathize. Have seen many therapists over the years and "breaking up" always feels so awkward...usually I have just stopped booking appointments and not even talked to them about it, which is not so graceful. But I remind myself that therapists fully expect that some clients will bail on them if the fit

I have a hard time figuring out what to wear to work too. I think my dress is pretty inconsistent...I have a few outfits that look nice, but a lot more that look frumpy.

Anyone pressuring a medical professional to wear shoes that have been shown to cause long-term structural damage to feet needs a reality check. Why don't they just pressure you to smoke while they're at it? "9 out of 10 doctors prefer the smooth feel of stilettos"...sheesh.

"big girl shoes"??! what a bitch!

Hey thanks...I know it sounds weird, but we have two dogs instead of kids, and they're family members to us. They're expensive as hell, but at least we don't need to send them to university ;) One of our dogs is a "special needs" little guy, and he's had a lot of vet bills, but I couldn't imagine life without him!

I do this too. The second I get home from work, I change into comfy around the house clothes and hang up my dress pants. I should really change before I even leave work, so my pants don't get winter slush on them or get sweaty in the summer heat (I commute by public transit so lots of walking).

I need to figure out what to do with the pants and sweaters that I've already worn once but that don't need to be washed yet. I don't like to put them back into the closet because they aren't completely "clean", so I end up folding them in a laundry basket, where they just end up getting wrinkled and looking

We wash sheets and towels every week. I figure you sweat while you sleep (even if you're not waking up feeling sweaty) and shed lots of dead skin cells for dust mites to feast on. But I'm allergic to dust mites, so I have to be more careful with that stuff.

I do this too. I seriously don't know how I survived without an electronic device to beep at me several times a day.

I too have no sense of time and struggle with chronic lateness. One thing that helps is to set multiple alarms on my iphone. I always set an alarm for an hour before I need to be anywhere (so I don't forget or lose track of time), and I often set an alarm for when I need to get my coat on (I have it pop up and say

I have an "emergency fund" that was at 6k until I raided it to help cobble together the down payment on our first house...which was definitely not an emergency, whoops. Paying it back now though.

somehow I can't picture Oprah saying "drop a deuce".

I'd like him to say that to Hilary Clinton's face. She'd karate chop him in the neck.

best comment ever!

I didn't really appreciate his talent until I saw him sing and dance while dressed as a brick of tofu in that SNL skit this week. Dude is really funny.

I don't think that look on her face says "stoic"...to me she looks tired and bored and unimpressed at her own ridiculous "costume."

Right-wing zombie apocalypse eyes right there.

Not getting caught in fuggs, leggings (especially as part of a tights-are-not-pants infraction) or rompers is just good fashion advice for anyone.

Yeah, executive recruiting is so...uhh...unusual? Wait...