
I totally could have written this!

I'm a crier, and I try so hard to fight it off if I'm not completely alone...bite my tongue, pinch my legs really hard, push a thumbnail into the other palm (basically anything painful but not anything someone would notice), and I try to mentally talk myself out of it. But usually that shit is just uncontrollable.

I'm the same way and it is so distressing and mortifying.

Yeah...often written off as PMS, menopause, or just plain lady hysteria.

Oh heavens no, people don't generally buy houses outright here (except offshore people stashing cash in Vancouver & Toronto real estate). Just that most people would end up with a 25 year mortgage max because of the government limit.

I agree...I think you would have to install this contraption high enough on the wall that you couldn't see the soles of the boots.

Do any of these apps work in Canada? We are usually pretty neglected when it comes to shopping.

Something non-medication that has helped me is to use a sleep app on my phone that plays rain sounds all night. It helps cover weird noises in the house and creates a sleep association, i.e., rain sound means bedtime. It is especially useful when sleeping away from home.

I'm better with power tools than my husband is. Most stuff that needs installing gets installed by me.

We're trying out an app to help with this (Home Routines). It syncs across both our phones. Basically, you set up recurring lists of what needs doing and when (cleaning & home maintenance routines, including daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal stuff). And when you complete a task, you get a star! :) It helps

I'm completely the same way. I am so embarrassed if someone is in the house and it isn't clean/tidy. When I know that anyone is coming over, I clean like a maniac. Especially if it's my mother.

Someone needs to take out a giant billboard with that on it, right next to Sarah Palin's house.

Yeah, I agree. I find trigger warnings triggering by themselves! And you can usually tell from the title if you should steer clear of an article for the sake of your sanity...although just reading the titles can be triggering too. Avoiding triggers means complete avoidance of media and internet, which is not really

Gluten intolerance is an actual thing. There is a real, observable immune response that is different from what happens in people with celiac (innate vs. adaptive immunity).

In a lot of parts of Canada housing is so overpriced that it's quite a bit cheaper to rent than to own (Vancouver is especially out of control - http://www.crackshackormansion.com/ is my favourite illustration of this :)). 30-year mortgages let people buy homes that they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford and drive

I suppose it seems crazy to me because in Canada, the CMHC (national mortgage insurer) wouldn't insure any mortgage longer than 25 years for most of its 65 year existence. A few years ago they loosened the rules and started insuring longer mortgages, but realized it was having negative effects so they just lowered it

I love Utilikilts! If they made a vegan version I would buy one for my husband. So sexy.

That's why I thought it was so weird when so many people were mocking Kanye West for wearing a "skirt" and that it was effeminate and stuff. What?! Burly Scots in kilts are the very definition of manliness!

In this case it should maybe be "live free and die" :P

I have a "good job" with tattoos on my lower arms and legs, and my employer doesn't seem to care. Still though, I feel quite self-conscious about having them visible at work, and that tends to constrain my fashion choices. So in that regard, it kinda sucks. It's just easier to get dressed in the morning if you