
Well in this case you're spot on, because the study specifically links reduced PMS to non-heme (plant-based) iron, and said that iron from meat consumption didn't show the same benefit. But the science reporting on Jez is so shitty that they put up completely wrong information.

No, do NOT break out the red meat - the study specifically identifies NON-HEME IRON as a mineral that could lessen PMS. As in, iron from plants, not from meat.

At 30 I already feel like it's too late to make a major career change (partly because the ones I've been thinking of would require going back to school for at least 6 years full-time, if I could even get accepted). I feel fairly defeated and imagine the next 30 years in my cubicle, ugh! So your comment makes me feel

This is my plan also. Hopefully I won't get too demented to off myself before doing it.

I think most people must just mortgage themselves to the teeth. They don't own their houses, really, the banks do. It's completely nuts that gigantic, 30-year mortgages have come to be accepted as "normal" these days.

I think "occasional bulimia" would fall under "EDNOS" (eating disorder not otherwise specified)...it's the catch-all for the disordered eating behaviour that doesn't fit in the neat little ED diagnostic boxes. It's important to get help even if you think you aren't "sick enough" or whatnot. Purging is a red flag; an

It can be difficult to extract yourself from a bad situation if you've been socialized to be a compliant, passive, "nice" people-pleaser with no assertiveness skills to speak of.

My facebook rule for coworkers is no friending until after we no longer work together. Otherwise it just gets weird. And the ones I'm not super close with I keep on a coworkers list with restricted privacy settings.

I'm torn...some of my facebook friends are people I went to high school with (but not close friends even then)...we haven't talked in years, we never interact on facebook, and we probably never will...so why have this artificial electronic link with them? It feels weirder to me to keep a window open to someone's life


I have the same love/hate relationship with hose that I have with high heels. I love opaque tights with great colours/patterns, but I find them so uncomfortable and am always fussing with them and adjusting them all day. So as with the shoes, I have a collection of fabulous tights that I rarely wear.

The biggest problem I'm having with Apple's Maps app is that it's only built for cars! Those of us reliant on public transit were completely screwed when Apple pulled the app switcheroo. If I had known I wouldn't have updated my phone :(

If I'm paying that much for a phone you can bet it's going straight into a protective case. I don't care about cosmetic scratches, I care about keeping it in good working order. If aluminum makes it thinner and lighter then great. It won't crack up the back after I drop it a few times, like my 3GS did, so I'm happy.

What?? No! I love green beans, raw or steamed. You have to get a really perfect fresh batch to enjoy them raw, but they're so crunchy and refreshing. And I love them lightly steamed with absolutely nothing on them. Mmm...tender goodness. No doing away with green beans on my watch.

Is there a Canadian version of all of these creepy US people databases?

I've been doing this for over a year and it's really improved my money management. The ING savings accounts are perfect for this purpose because you can give them a name based on what the money's earmarked for, and the little "goal getter" meter thing is neat too. The whole setup has made me way more motivated to

They couldn't find any parents shameless enough to rock out in this music video next to that giant turkey-baster.

"I had just watched the The Carrie Diaries season preview and was beginning to wonder: Is there anyway that this could be good? Or will it put the "blah" in Manolo Blahnik?"

Same here. JK-8, then 9-13 (back when we still had OAC...jesus I'm getting old.)

Thank god, more cosmetics! I need at least 14 more types of midnight plum eyeshadow to choose from.