I think there's a difference between a drug that makes women feel "more up for it" versus stuff like alcohol that reduces inhibition and cognitive ability and can make people black out.
I so envy flexible people. I don't know if I was ever able to touch my toes. My hamstrings are so inflexible that any physio-type professional I've ever seen has been completely aghast.
Inevitably, some hiker or someone would eventually stumble upon her skeleton and freak out, and the OPP or RCMP would end up involved...
Funny, anytime I read about US politics I assume that there's LSD in the water supply.
Agreed. Teachers should get danger pay.
What is up with those pictures? A couple of nice ones, but in most of them she looks bored or sedated.
Make your first video "You will stop loathing yourself and you will feel okay about seeing yourself on camera"? :)
wiki: "Methylphenidate's mechanism of action at dopamine-norepinephrine release is still debated, but is fundamentally different from amphetamines, as methylphenidate is thought to increase general firing rate, whereas amphetamines reverse the flow of the monoamine transporters. Although methylphenidate can be…
I don't understand bringing a newspaper or magazine to the bathroom. It takes me like, 5 seconds to shit. Seriously, eat some fiber, people.
I try to always drink a coffee first thing in the morning in hopes that I'll have the urge to go at home before I leave for work, but if I have to go at work, I'll go. I don't know how anyone can hold it.
All public washrooms seriously need to have some kind of white noise generator or benign classical music playing to help mask bathroom sounds. Then everyone will be able to poop in peace even if other people are in there.
I would love to take the leap and quit my soul-sucking job, but I have no idea what else to do. I need something to work toward; I don't want to just run away from something.
You should check out Land's End. They have lots of "Tall" options in the men's clothing. My husband is tall in the torso but not "wide" enough to shop at the Big & Tall store. The Land's End Tall shirts in size L fit perfectly. Nice long t-shirts :) Also, their "tailored fit" (available for a lot of their dress…
I think the most important thing is to eat a lot of different kinds of greens. Don't just eat spinach every day because it's the most nutritious one on this chart.
They may not be ego muscles, but that doesn't mean the ladies aren't checking them out ;)
It's a special kind of "diet" cupcake. After you eat one of these marvellous seaweed/bird poop delights, you'll never want to eat another cupcake again.
"Think about this, we are in this low-cal, low-fat, no trans fat, etc. BS world today, but we are the fattest we have ever been."
I like to daydream about having magical powers that lets me kill all the molesters and rapists in the entire world all at once, just with my mind. And any time I watch a vampire movie or show, I think, if I were a vampire, I would only prey on these same evil bastards.
I'm sorry for what you went through. I completely understand your feelings about your mom. The same thing happened to me. My mom married a child molesting sociopath when I was little. I told her what he was doing to me, more than once, but she stayed with him. 8 years of abuse because she didn't have the brains…