
@paperispatient: me too! one summer I came back from camp and found that none of my pants fit anymore. augh, hips!

@pamplemousse: I wish I knew. I just ate a box of garbage from the corner store. Ugh.

@RodetheTrolleywithStanwyck: I feel your pain and have been riding the psych meds weight rollercoaster for a while too. I don't think it's unreasonable to go off a medication that makes you gain 20lbs. Are there any others you can try? They all seem to be different for weight effects. I hate the trial and error

Today was a really shitty day, and I for one am relieved and pacified by the photo of the cuddly deer in this post.

@LuckyDice: I got the sense that he was of the paranoid anti-government variety of crazy...mostly from the strange youtube ramblings.

@Polyandthenomials are in LA: this kind of thing always makes me wonder...if a kid were having "nonsensical outbursts" in class, did anyone do anything about it in terms of connecting him with mental health services (or at least trying to)? Early 20s is peak onset age for schizophrenia.

That was an awesome smack-down.

Killing people for shaking hands? Who comes up with this stuff? Someone is taking themselves waaaay too seriously.

I like that in the slideshow the designer is hiding his crotch behind a bolt of fabric so we can't scrutinize his package to determine if he is wearing his creation.

@fjordtjie: me too. i destroy my skin when i get stressed (used to torture hubby as well), and also pull out my eyebrows and scratch at my hairline. sometimes i end up with weird bald spots in my eyebrows. and i also eat everything in sight. happily these compulsions have decreased as a result of taking

@esimene: I have a scar line inside each cheek too, from my metal braces cutting the inside of my mouth, and from accidentally chomping on my own mouth (OWW!)

@horrificat: I'm taking Wellbutrin for depression, but it had the unexpected benefit of dampening my compulsive habits.

I may be an athiest-leaning agnostic, but this string of mass critter deaths is still freaking me out a little.

That's so wonderful!!!

Ugh, seriously, 2010 SUCKED. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Is Gawker going to modify their username policy to allow people to change their username more than once?

If those assholes wanted to teach Gawker a lesson, they had more than enough ammo with all the employees' & internal passwords. Screwing over thousands of users is just psychopathic.

@Donovanesque: I too have the tucked in little toe. But I can't walk very well in heels.

@Kristinkles Ingabogovinanana: Zappos has a whole section where you can search by shoe width...multiple widths too...any luck there?