
Wow, her haircut is so classy and gorgeous! Love it.

@MorboKat: after googling, I think she must have been talking about tungsten. They all look the same to me!

My grandmother has always commented on my weight. Even in front of other people. It's always the first thing she says when she sees me, right after "Hello". The first time I ever felt that she didn't despise me was when she visited and I had lost 25 lbs. She was just beaming. I feel like she'll disown me if I

There was definitely some weird smelling, scuzzy looking, full-of-hair jewelry at the 2nd hand sale at the local senior's home. Yuck.

@momentsofabsurdity: are you just trying to take it out to clean it? I just use a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol to rub down all the exposed metal, rotate the hoop, repeat, until all of the metal has been thoroughly cleaned.

@MorboKat: the gal at the jewelry place said that their titanium men's rings were designed to shatter if there was too much pressure on them (i.e. from a swelling finger). Are they all like that?

Sometimes I wonder if his extreme arrogance is a put-on, like Tiga.

I am currently fighting off the black dog. The cruelty of depression is that it sucks the energy and motivation out of you so doing things that will get you well is a herculean task.

@eraserface: so true. i was in awe of my body when i hiked the west coast trail. what a great machine i had been punishing all these years.

@Excusado: Brr, cold hands! I hope she can wear mittens on the job.

@SuicaLove: The US/Canada need to learn from Japan what a real tomato slice is supposed to look like. YUM.

Oh god, I walked in on my mother and her second husband having sex when I was a kid. They both freaked and screamed at me to get out. I was like "ok, but your pillow is on fire." Candles on the nightstand...never a good idea.

@PintoBeans: ouch indeed. no way my feet are flexible enough to even fit into those shoes, let alone stand up in them.

This would be really awesome for people with dentures or swallowing problems (and would be way prettier than the crap they normally serve at the nursing homes).

@ThisSpaceforRent: my totally badass small dogs take offence to her sizeism.

not that it would resurrect this steaming pile, but what exactly is her definition of "badass"?

@LovelyHue: Okay, if there are boundaries on the discussion to keep it to topics that aren't as traumatic, I can see how this could be helpful. Hadn't thought of it that way.

@lizilizi1: I wish they did...it would make talking about some of these things a whole lot easier.

@jespree: yeah seriously...and at least you don't have to pay through the nose for a psychologist to attend.