
@slightlyhardup: I've done something similar too, a healing retreat type thing. All women, symbolic this and that, primal scream therapy, etc. I consider that to be a way more intense and intimate form of group therapy. But the people in retreats and group therapy often don't know each other before they go, and

@hitoro.kataki: no parachutes or buckets? no frosted mugs? what's up with that?

I wanted to say something about his canned platform and total lack of qualification for the job, but I'm distracted by his armpit.

@sexysecularist: seriously; I was thinking the same thing. so many people struggle with these issues in high school and beyond. we just don't get dissected in the media (or were lucky enough to get through that life phase pre-facebook). I can't imagine this generation of young people, all their youthful

Wow...that columnist's advice was mostly terrible (except deconstructing feelings of terror into physical sensations and feelings...that was good). Get out there and date? What, are you nuts? The guy needs more therapy and help working through his issues, not to use women as therapists or psychological trials.

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: my next door neighbour's dog was terrified of people in dark sweaters. we could be buddies but then if i came out wearing a dark sweater he would go absolutely nuts. poor thing :(

@allyspie: did we date the same guy? my ex was extremely paranoid in general, and always thought i was cheating on him. serious mental health problems.

@BeetsGoOn: me too. total deer in headlights when authority figures yell (even if it's not at me). conflict makes me feel like a scared little kid. i feel sick even watching tv shows that have a lot of family conflict.

@RedLantern: Expecting someone with an eating disorder to acknowledge the impact that their disease had on the rest of womankind is a burden not expected of people with other mental illnesses (or EDs that don't result in being super skinny). I don't think it's reasonable to put that on them.

@sheilagirl @Kivrin: although I have had those thoughts too, it's important to counter them with the realization that anorectics don't have a magical willpower; it's like praising someone with OCD for having the willpower to scrub their hands until they bleed. If you must put it in willpower terms, anorectics

@tiredfairy: I can relate to the ED-warped thinking, for sure. When I look at an obese person, I feel terrified that I will become obese, my mind races, "oh god see that will be me". Not in a way that is judgmental of the other person. Just in a way that's really abusive to myself.

@northeastthreat: me too! I swear, my deodorant makes me and my clothes smell worse (not to mention the dreaded stains). But I'm too scared to not wear it, so I wear it and am always paranoid that I smell horrible.

All I can think of looking at pic 2 is "No! Don't get body fluids on the jacket! It's velvet!!"

@erincnyc: yeah seriously, except that Chuck Bass does it better.

Ugh, I saw that, so disturbing!

No surprise that this is rolling out in Quebec first. I can always tell when I'm on a French channel late at night, even if the TV is on mute, because of the cheesy soft-core porn.

@miamaya: Don't write anyone off, especially when they're still living in their parents' house. I grew up in an abusive home and my grades were far from good...kinda had other things on my mind, like trying not to blow my head off. But once I got the hell out of there, I worked hard to earn a BA and graduated with