Rembrandt Q. Einstein

Badger, my ass! It’s probably Milhouse.

I’m with you on this. I used to complain to my mom about that exact issue when I was young. It was also what I would complain about when I told her I didn’t like meat in my marinara sauces. She usually responded with, “Oh, you can’t taste it.”

Oooh, that is so amazing!! Thank you for letting me know about this!

I would buy that gene. The man is just some kind of pain-absorbing superhuman. I could use some of that for the 10,000 times a day I ram my toes and knees into my coffee table.

This was always, always going to suck seven ways from Sunday for the victim. Kane is a piece of absolute garbage, and with his history, who could support his innocence? I’m a diehard Hawks fan, and this has been beyond unsettling and disturbing. I don’t even want to LOOK at him. It’s so hard to watch games and be

Ugh. I feel you. I just want Saad and Sharp and Oduya back. Maybe Richards, too, because he seemed like a stand-up babe (to quote Nelson Muntz.)

I’m fairly certain Keith openly acknowledged the rumors in an interview and said they were bullshit.

Wait, what is this about Bickell and animals?! I loved him before (and despite his less than stellar performance last year and during the playoffs — his usual shining moments! — I was sad to hear they wanted to cut him loose.) I’m sure the whole situation and being demoted to Rockford has put a bit of a strain on the

It’s what I do. It’s difficult, especially those times when I’m unsure who scored. I usually turn to my boyfriend and ask if he saw who scored and if I can properly cheer. He is just as upset and frustrated with this clusterfuck as I am, but he doesn’t love hockey the way that I do. I think he mostly feels bad that

My friend once referred to Hossa as “the classiest guy in the NHL”. Actually true or not is obviously subjective, but I am inclined to believe it. He just seems so awesome.

A friend of my taught with a woman who went out with Crawford several times. She relayed to my friend that (in her words) “He’s as dumb as a box of rocks.” It made me a bit sad, but he still seems like a nice guy. She had nothing bad to say about him other than his apparent intelligence. He also enjoys Rise Against,

I love Hjalmarsson’s interviews (but no one can ever beat Ilya Bryzgalov’s. His interview about his old goalie helmet for the Ducks is just fantastic. I love it so much). I just cannot ever think of anyone but Jesse Pinkman when I see Hjalmarsson. I’ll be so sad when he is no longer around to throw his body in front

If you’re a Monsters, Inc. fan at all, I hope this helps. Or that it gives you a tickle, in any case.

Ten with his pompadour. Rose with her amazing fifties dress. BE STILL MY HEART.

What was all that “one in a million” talk?

I agree with you. I do feel that the language we use sways how people see the victims in these awful situations. It is something that most people (at least whom I know) don’t even think about as they speak, myself included sometimes.

First off, you are also an October birthday?! (Obviously the best month! Halloween!) Secondly, can I hide in your suitcase?! Everyone around me is going to Disney (my former boss went twice, my sister, my best friend, another friend of mine...Sigh.), and it hurts my heart. My former boss was just recently in

Poor Pluto missed the bus to Evolution Town. I would possibly argue that, while Goofy can walk on two legs and talk, Pluto may actually be more intelligent than Goofy. I’d have to go back and watch some Goofy-heavy cartoons to prove or disprove this hypothesis. For Science!

This doesn’t bear much relevance to the subject in the article, but I was watching Weird Al videos earlier today (I will love all of them forever and EVER.); I was CONVINCED Kim Cattrall was the woman in his “Amish Paradise” video (the one who was Michell Pfeiffer’s role in Coolio’s video). Turns out, it was actually

“Thousands and thousands of people saw your pretzels injuring Whitey Ford (Jack White[y]!).”