Rembrandt Q. Einstein

I see now where you might have gotten lost in my comment. I posted a link to an article, and what I put in quotes is from the article I posted about memories, not from this particular article. Sorry if that was unclear.

I’m glad we had this conversation that went no where about a comment that really did not make any sense. It was enlightening and thrilling. Thank you.

I mean, he really owes nobody but Charlyne the apology for being a racist dick, and if he reached out to her to try and talk through it like adults, that’s their business, not the public’s. They should be handling it like adults, to be honest, and I hope he apologized to her face because she deserves that much, at

I meant the OP of the comment about memory not being as good as everyone thinks it is, not the article, so I’m not really sure why you felt the need to make such a comment. The article says that David Cross was a racist asshole to a friend’s girlfriend, who is also a comedian. She is recalling HER memory of it, and he

That’s actually very true. That old adage about “When an accident happens and four people see it, you’ll have four different stories.” and all that.

I haven’t scrolled through every comment yet, but I can’t be the first to post this. I’d be a little sad if I was.

The thing about those comparisons is that cheating (and the other things that clearly seemed to have gone on in this relationship that we do not know) is at odds with a lot of core feminist principles (respect, honesty, owning up to your mistakes, not indirectly blaming women [or the “other people”] for things you’ve

I think, at least in my eyes, the reason why this feels like a jab to his sincerity in regards to feminism is that it smacks of treating women as objects instead of human beings. You made a commitment to someone and are treating her like trash — fairly unfeminist, in my own personal opinion. You then sleep with women

The thing, for me, is that I don’t believe she’d commit these crimes on her own (Perhaps she has. I haven’t read extensively on the case, admittedly, and I’m also an American. I was also very young when this happened.). However, what this case HAS proven to me is that she WILL act when provided with a catalyst. That’s

I couldn’t help myself.

I would say it depends entirely on the song for Taylor Swift. Some of her songs are incredibly cliched, just like other pop stars’. And I would argue it’s less the imagery and more about the emotion she provokes in her songs. Her fans feel like they have been there and can relate. But lines like “You look like my next

I don’t think you have to be “in the music indsutry” or a musician to be able to comprehend, visualize and comment on lyrics. I wouldn’t comment on the melodies because I don’t know anything about reading musical melodies. I didn’t say she wasn’t skilled. I said that I think what she writes is simplistic and lends

At the risk of being hated here, I would like to respectfully disagree about Taylor Swift’s interesting lyrics. I think she writes lyrics that could be inserted into any pop star’s songs. They’re catchy but not particularly thought-provoking or intricate. I’d actually say they’re pretty simple, too, especially her

Bless your name AND Hank Scorpio. If only he would run for President. The nicest supervillain ever!

Unrelated and totally off-topic, but I love your username. I’ll scurry back to the shadows now.

Has anyone beat me to this?! If so, I apologize, but you can never have too many references to RBG, right?!

It makes me so upset because I love Sideshow Bob!

I don’t really think that black (or is it a dark purple?) lipstick is doing her many favors, either. Perhaps it’s the pairing of both the platinum hair AND the lipstick that is throwing me. The following isn’t truly relevant, but I always feel obligated to leave Simpsons references the rare times I comment here. So,

(How do you get cradle rash when you sleep in a suitcase?!)

Not to mention, I wound up with a pretty fantastic and SUPER easy last name, courtesy of my dad. It’s great! I love my mom, but I would never have taken her very German last name even if given the choice because it is over twice as many letters as mine now and my cousins are always having the pronunciation butchered.