
I think this is a neat idea. It’s gracefully simple.

Suddenly limiting a vehicle’s speed to 0 due to a sensor malfunction or a mechanical failure is a terrible idea. 

VR is already freaky enough as is, but this is on a whole different level. I hope to see some future updates of your endeavors. If Giz doesn’t cover it, for whatever reason, I’d bet that Kotaku would? Keep up the excellent work and cheers!

You’re damn well not messing around when it comes to a ‘realistic wheel and pedal’ set up! Excellent work here! I would imagine that crashing in-game was/is sort of freeky, especially in VR.

I’m the guy on the right in the video. Nishanth did a lot of the work and prototyping in his BRZ, but this test was done using our friend’s Forester.

Back about 2006 I worked for a small amusement company that, on contract from a big soft-drink concern (guess, you’ll get it in two for sure) ran Nascar simulators at events, mostly store openings for new Wal-Marts. We had four indoor seat sims, a PC running an off-the-shelf racing game (NASCAR SimRacing by Tiburon),

When I was 12 playing and “race car” in my uncles most prized vehicle, I accidentally shifted the hand brake and the car roll backwards, down a hill and into a wooden fence. I think it was a 1960 Ford Anglia.

Thank you for the genuine answer to what you correctly characterized as “flippant one-off remark,” to which i will reply with another flippant one-off remark:

i have anxiety reading this.

Full disclosure, too: Patrick and Ballaban waited until I was home to tell me about this email, which was a great call, and I wrote the narrative of this story on the plane back, so I wasn’t ANGRY WRITING this—it was a later addition.

I’M SCREAMING. A professional PR rep actually said this to y’all?!? The hell? That is so freaking condescending that I would’ve crop-dusted the entire place and left early.

The same representative assured my bosses everything was fine, and said that while the briefing mentioned FIA requirements like a HANS device, Geely didn’t think we needed one because of speeds.

The bed includes an air pump for bikes as well as an integrated security cable to keep unattended items safe in the bed.

Is Tesla blocking other manufacturers from using it’s stations, or is it just refusing to switch to their format?