
Hey, what you’re feeling is valid! Your gut check on dumping white feelings into the laps/inboxes of POC is also valid, and coming from the right place. Things may be uncomfortable, with only little bits of validation here and there when you know you’re doing something good/right, but we can handle discomfort. If pain

I’m spiraling a little bit, friends. I want to try to do the right thing, but I’m afraid of doing the wrong thing, of being perceived as doing the wrong thing, of making something worse. My liberal white guilt feels simultaneously useless, futile, and destructive. I want to reach out to some of the WOC I know from

That doesn’t deserve a novel.

Mankind developed the internet before they had the mental faculties to deal with all the information in a discerning way. Gullibility combined with that most sinister of human traits, confirmation bias, has led us down a dark trail.

Trump lacks the stamina to fight off his own assassin.

I had a full time pay my bills job but that gave me no chance to go out for the last minute gigs people post. I’m now working part time. But it’s hard to keep motivated when you’re getting no response from people.

Nah, Trump sensed a draft come into the room, so he was dodging it.

Hey! I’m all for it, I’m not looking for upbeat, more commiseration.

Sorry about your fuckbuddy. I got one of these, and so far it’s never disappointed me.

I say look for the normal full time job, then apply to the dream jobs again. Or always apply for the dream jobs, but also seriously apply for the normal ones. I’m in a similar situation and can’t get a bite on either one. Boring is better than starving anyway.  

How long would you guys wait to give up on following your dreams? It hasn’t been happening for me, even when I get a job lined up, it falls through and I’m back at square one. And I don’t know what else to do. I feel like I network enough and am apart of multiple groups that post jobs and I apply to said jobs and

Now playing

For everyone looking for a bit of good news, MTV has started uploading full episodes of Daria on its Youtube channel! Enjoy:

What the everloving fuck?

“This one tells us that kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome and bestiality are all just fine, as long as the girl finds love in the end.”

I think we’re all missing the real story here, which is that Facegirl is a terrible name for an escort service.

I think there’s been a misunderstanding. What they actually are providing is the chance for customers to make their own pour-over, immersion, vapour-distilled, self-roasted, hand-ground coffee, which the owner likened to masturbation.

No, just Pandora’s Mouth at this stage. The Box is phase II.

Yeah, tell me again how girls are the only catty, gossipy bitches.

Self absorbent guys arent all bad. You can use them to clean wine spills.